Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Corporatism and the Left

Why is it that big business is always considered right wing? If you carefully examine the political scene you will notice that big banks and big business usually are the ones that fund progressive charities and activist groups. In fact many of them brag about their support in commercials and print advertising, yet according to the left, big business is RIGHT WING!

The truth is that both the left and the right are in bed with big business, however the problem that many fail to see is that small business is usually left out of this melee and in turn suffers the most. Doesn't sound like free market capitalism to me. In many cases when a business becomes "too big," the liberals in Washington rush to regulate it in order to create "a more fair market," but when you look closely at what they are doing you will find out that competition is not a part of the liberal agenda. In fact, the truth is quite revealing.

Take the following scenario: Lets suppose that a bipartisan piece of legislation is proposed in congress, this legislation will require all soda manufacturers to adjust the shape of their aluminum cans to become more energy efficient. (I know this sounds crazy, but bare with me) The initial response of corporate giants Pepsi and Coca Cola as well as other smaller manufacturers will be much is this going to cost me? After all updating the machinery and changing formats of manufacturing will be an expensive move for all involved. Many manufacturers will start to object to the unnecessary government regulations.

What many fail to realize however, is that the larger more established corporations such as Pepsi and Coca Cola, would not make that argument. Instead this particular piece of legislation could prove to benefit them by hurting their competition. How you might ask? The two corporate giants will begin lobbying members of congress to pass this regulatory piece of legislation, knowing that it will cost them millions, but all the while realizing that it will cost their competition millions. The competition, not being as financially stable as the BIG TWO, will then be forced out of business or their competitive value will be greatly diminished due to financial constraints placed on them by the legislation. Suddenly, the very corporations that you expected to fight against the legislation, Pepsi and Coca Cola, are now embracing the legislation and are actually fighting to get it passed. In the long run, the competition dwindles and the only ones that are able to meet government standards are the larger corporations, thus killing small business, limiting competition and eliminating the free market system.

This is how corporatism works, corporations have regulations imposed on them that are supposed to be in the best interest of the country. The corporations that can afford to comply with these regulations are rewarded by having their competition eliminated. A perfect real life example of this was the governments attack on Big Tobacco during the 1990's. During the 90's the Clinton/Gore administration demonized big tobacco companies for selling the "only product, that if used properly, it will kill you."

Interestingly enough, Big Tobacco agreed to pay out over 240 billion dollars to state governments. The Big Tobacco companies were forced to implement advertising that discouraged youth not to use their products, create education programs about the dangers of smoking and publicly admit their errors. What sensible businessman would agree to perform such acts against his or her own company? The answer is simple, only those who deem it beneficial to them. The End Game for Big Tobacco, was the elimination of smaller, less stable third and fourth tier manufacturers who were still required to make escrow payments. Here is what happened, Big Tobacco increased the price of cigarettes, the price increases were well beyond the cost of the government settlement. This allowed smaller tobacco companies to immediately move forward as they began to see an increase in sells, after all their products were suddenly cheaper. Unfortunately for them however, state governments began demanding higher payouts from small tobacco, even though many members of small tobacco HAD NOT AGREED TO THE GOVERNMENT SETTLEMENTS.

Many states had the idea that as long as BIG TOBACCO was willing to reach a settlement, then they were going to do what they could to impose the same restrictions on SMALL TOBACCO. This eventually led to the financial collapse of many small tobacco manufacturers and assured the sustainability of BIG TOBACCO. In essence the government, through regulation, eliminated the competition.

This is as far from the Free Market approach as one can get, in fact it is exactly like the corporatism of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. This entire thought process can be summed up best by saying "the manufacturers that bend to the will of the government, will be rewarded by the government." This sounds eerily familiar to the old Nazi refrain "The common good before the private good." Where this ideology exists the Free Market cannot!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Liberal Manifesto Discovered in Secret Vault

In what has been described as shocking and revealing, a team of archeologist recently discovered a vault containing various items and one imparticular that authorities are now describing as a "Liberal Manifesto." The discovery took place 100 miles South of the ancient ruins of the city formerly known as Washington D.C. For those of you who are not familiar with the location of the ancient ruins, it is located along the eastern coast of current day Obamistan and was once the capital of the now fallen American empire.

The discovery has brought professors, scientists and historians alike together for what appears to be a very historic find. In addition to the "Manifesto," several other items of interest were also discovered. Chief archeologist Bon Edigger described the items as "interesting to say the least." Among the findings, were a small pipe that was once used to smoke (or inhale) marijuana, a copy of the ancient text titled 1984 and a photograph of the great philosopher Karl Marx, one of the more glorious findings was an original copy of the Holy text, An Inconvenient Truth. As of press time it is being reported that the Founding Fathers themselves, Al Gore, Tim Geithner, Rahm Emanuel, Barnie Frank, Nancy Pelosi and our Savior Barack Hussein Obama may have even autographed the historic manifesto. Further news regarding this information will be broadcast as soon as it becomes available.

Regarding the manifesto, the Black Shirts have allowed us to print a small segment of this historical document that some are calling the Original or Old Testament in it's incomplete form below.

WE, the self righteous, self appointed, holier than thou, modern progressive keepers of all man kind, do hereby vow to destroy the archaic, antiquated document better known as the Constitution of the United States. We pledge to take from those that are productive and give to those who choose not to be productive, we promise to eradicate the evil capitalistic money barons that rob our society of equality and to then distribute their ill gotten wealth- equally among all men. We promise to promote free speech as long as it isn't contrary to our opinion, we promise to be strong supporters of a persons right to choose as long as they don't choose to own a gun, we will honor such great men as Michael Moore and Sean Penn by having their respective images placed on our coinage, we will encourage slothness, laziness and lack of production by creating an entitlement system, owning a home, a car, and, iPod and having health insurance will become is a RIGHT and everyone will have those rights, dissention and political activism will not be tolerated as it is not what is best for the country, we will tear down the divisive, angry and jealous antiquated God of Christianity and we will allow GE to promote it's doctrine of Earth worship, we will denounce any arguments made on behalf of morality and thrive to perpetuate the will of the individual, however we will only use this argument if it benefits our cause, because the complete eradication of individuality is our ultimate goal, ........

A spokesman for the Keith Olbmeran museum of Spontaeous Verbal Diarhea has requested that the artifacts be placed on display this July 4th during the annual Festival of Founders.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Party Rhetoric shows the true colors of Libs and the Media

The recent Tax Day Tea Parties, which garnered little to any mainstream media, proved that average mainstream Americans are able to organize and protest without the assistance of an organization or central headquarters.

Unlike the liberals in Washington, which use union groups, liberal organizations and A.C.O.R.N. to do their dirty work, the conservatives proved on April 15th exactly what a real grass roots movement looks like. This movement wasn't fabricated, people were not paid to board a bus and given a sign to hold, the Tea Party demonstrators were relying on their own creativity and motivation to send their message to Washington beuracrats.

There are however two negatives that I see coming from the Tea Party movement. The first negative is that the Republican Party is trying to piggy back onto the movement and ride the populist zeal that has created all of this fury. The Tea Party movement begin during the Bush administration and was a result of massive spending by the the Republicans. It is a crying shame that an honest grass roots movement could be hijacked by one of or any of the political parties. Unfortunately, there are very few that will see this for what it is, the very people that were initially spending money like crazy are now on board because it seems to be the popular thing to do. It is important that we remember how we got here and recognize that it was both political parties that got America in this mess and it is unfair to pretend that it is a one party problem.

The second negative that I seen come out of the Tea Party Tax Day Revival, was the coverage given to the protests by the liberal media. The only major network to give adequate coverage to the Tea Party protests was Fox, and I can assure you that they were only on the band wagon because they new that it would garner them a slick ratings hike, much like the opportunistic politicians who are riding this wave, Fox too is along because there is something in it for them.

Despite the obvious patronizing by Fox, they were not to be outdone by MSNBC, CNN and HNN. One of the most disgusting pieces of journalism that I have ever witnessed in my life occurred on the Rachel Maddow show. Maddow, the ultra-liberal talk show, network proclaimed sensation, continuously made snickering comments about "tea-bagging," in fact she rarely referred to the protest events as Tea Parties, which would have been the proper and appropriate term for the demonstrations. What is wrong with her childish antics and use of the term "tea-bagging" you might ask? Just Google the term "tea-bagging" and you will quickly find out why her adolescent repetitive comments were so unprofessional.

During her program, she often had to stop her monologue because she could not keep from snickering, her actions were akin to a middle schooler laughing at a flatulence joke. During the course of her interview with Ana Marie Cox, a contributor to the dailybeast website, an ultra-liberal soap box, she and Mrs. Cox continued to use the term "tea-bagging" in a satirical manner that would have made the folks at Saturday Night Live proud. Some of the derogatory comments made during the show are listed at the end of this blog. (YOU CAN VIEW THE VIDEO SEGMENT HERE)

This type of filthy humor and the fact that standards and practices at MSNBC would permit such inuendo on the airwaves is just another example of how far out of touch the left wing media is with mainstream America. The fact that tongue in cheek humor was used is acceptable, the problem is in the subject material and childish actions of both host and guest. This type of rhetoric only further demonstrates the gutter mentality that is often associated with liberal ideology.

It is indeed a sad day when Americans cannot view a news broadcast without having to be subjected to this type of filth and lack of respect. Had the tax day protests been addressed toward the Bush administration, you can rest assured that the liberal media would have been all over it.....................and you can rest assured that Fox news would have been searching for their own Rachel Maddow to make light of the days events.

Where is this country headed?


Cox: "it is true that a majority of the tea-baggers in congress are misrepresented."

Maddow: "....with the tea bagging of congress, which has been happening through the mail, which I didn't even know was possible...(laugh)"

Cox: "...well who wouldn't want to tea-bag John McCain? I mean, that's all I have to say.."

Maddow: "presumably if he is being tea bagged while doing so (listening), the message will be a bit muffled...."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Are You an Extremist?

If you believe that the Federal government is out of control, if you are pro-life, if you support second amendment rights, if you are opposed to illegal immigration then YOU are an extremist. At least that is what a recent document issued by the Department of Homeland Security argues.

A recent DHS threat assessment has suggested that persons who support the above mentioned issues along with "FORMER MILITARY VETERANS," pose a substantial risk to national security. The document labels supporters of the movements above as being "right wing extremist." In a statement released Thursday current Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said

"The document on right-wing extremism sent last week by this department´s Office of Intelligence and Analysis is one in an ongoing series of assessments to provide situational awareness to state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies on the phenomenon and trends of violent radicalization in the United States."

According to Secretary Napolitano, traditional conservative values are a threat to national security! This is not the first time in American history that an administration has targeted law abiding citizens for dissention and opposition, but it is evidence of a politicaly biased attack on conservative, God fearing, freedom loving Americans.

If you haven't noticed, the progressives are opposed to anything that makes sense and anything that might pertain to morality, values and God. If it wasn't enough that they are trying to force their ideology down our throats they are now declaring anyone that opposes or dissents to their positions or opinions as Radical Threats To America!

God Forbid, that we continue to sit idly by while everything that America represents is destroyed! Information is power and you have a voice, cry loud and spare not!

Going Green

There is a movement in America that is as radical as any that we have ever witnessed, it is called the Green Movement. The radical agenda of this movement is deceptive, totalitarian, anti-scientific, repressive and hypocritical. You would think that something so outrageous would be on the tips of everyones tongue, that it would be the leading topic on message boards and plastered all over the t.v. screens. Instead, few are even aware of what is going on.

With the recent election of President Barack Obama, the Green movement went from infancy to adolescence, and if elected to a second term it will reach adult stage by 2016. It would be unfair however, to blame the president on this movement, he only deserves credit for allowing it to accelerate at such a rapid rate.

What is the Green Movement? The Green Movement consists of environmentalist, progressives and utopian architects that believe that the only answer to global problems is unity through conservation. On the surface, unity and conservation do not seem to be bad words, however when one looks behind the curtain you will see that there is more to this movement than unity and conservation.

The Green Movement has done an excellent job of putting a warm and fuzzy face on there agenda, which includes regulating your behavior, downsizing your lifestyle and becoming intimately involved in the personal aspects of your everyday life. The Green Movement is an ever reaching agenda to impose "Earth Worship," on the citizens of the world. Some might think that this statement is absurd and far reaching, however, in order to establish exactly what the progressives want, this will become necessary.

Presently, the United States of America is a country that is moving closer and closer to an authoritiarian government. In Fascist Italy and Germany both governments needed a crisis or a series of crises in order to impose their totalitarian state. The Treaty of Versailles and the Great Depression provided Nazi Germany with the crisis necessary to bring about totalitarian rule. The citizens were then indoctrinated and led into the practice of "state worship." In Italy, Benito Mussolini was a charismatic leader that utilized a series of events to impose his will upon the people. The people in both incidents believed that they were doing what was best for their country. It is interesting to note that while under the dictatorial rule of Hitler and Mussolini, the concept of right and wrong was determined by whether or not something benefitted the country or state. In other words, anything that was said to benefit the state was always considered good, any opposition to that which was "in the best interest" of the state was BAD. This therefore, limited free speech and cultivated a society of so called "unity."

Today the progressives and environmentalist are quick to denounce any dissenting opinion as "right wing," bigotted, hateful, ignorant and radical. Ironically enough, the same group that once protested and rioted in the 60's for free speech, free love and etc, are now trying to silence any opposition to "their opinions." This is very hypocritical, but if you will notice it is very much like the leadership in Italy and Germany prior to and during WWII. Silence all opposition, there is only one truth and that is what is best for the state, today it could be said whatever is best for "mother earth."

I do think that it is important to note, that when I refer to modern progressives as resembling Italian and German Fascist, that this does not mean that they are preparing concentration camps as we speak. In fact, the Green Movement has done an excellent job of putting a little smiley face on their brand of Fascism and it does not appear to be heading in the same direction as Nazi Fascism, ........but it is still Fascism. All too often when we hear the word Fascism, the first thing that we think of is the Nazi Brand of Fascism, as corny as it might sound Hitler really gave Fascism a bad name, by making this statement, I am in no way saying that Fascism was a good thing either.

The Green Movement, however, is not the ends to which the progressives are headed. In fact, it is only the means, or properly spoken, the crisis needed to obtain the end desired. The end desired is authoritarian rule. By collectively "uniting" Americans under the cause of saving the planet, they will eventually create a society in which George Orwell would be proud of, but it is important to note that the first element of society that must be convinced is the youth.

In Italy and in Germany the youth movement was essential to bringing about the revolution of statist ideology. In America the indoctrination of the youth concerning Global Warming and the Green Movement has already began. Through high school curriculums, Earth Day celebrations and now the implementation of the G.I.V.E. Act millions of American youth will be exposed to the Green indoctrination and will readily swallow anything that the progressives feed them in the future, all in the name of saving the planet!

Once this ideology becomes a part of our cultural fabric, progressives will more easily be able to convince the populace that certain measures need to be taken in order to prevent our "impending doom." Strange enough the very progressives that claimed that the spend crazy Bush administration used fear as a tool to convince Americans to vote Republican are now implementing the same methodology to win support around the country and that methodology is FEAR.

Finally, one of the most overlooked and disturbing effects of the Green Movement will be the eradication and or the overpricing of products that have become a necessity for healthy living. With these items no longer available "because they are destroying the planet," the standard of human life will decrease as will the overall population of the planet. In essence, climate control equals population control.

Authors note:

1. In order for "Green Religion" to take place much like "state worship" did in Italy and Germany it must first replace the religion of the day, in the case of America it would be Christianity.

2. The word progressive as used in this article does not refer to Democrats alone, on the contrary it includes Republicans as well. As I have pointed out in previous blogs, both left and right are LEFT. Naturally speaking there are some in both parties that are not progressive and are opposed to such radical changes.

3. It is also important to note that all progressive president were NOT democrats, take Teddy Roosevelt for example.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Who is to Blame?

If one listens closely to the Democrats and Republicans it would appear that both groups heavily oppose deficits and deficit spending. However, upon closer examination that is only true for each group as long as the other is the one doing the spending. For example, while the Bush administration was spending money like Captain Kirk at Warp Speed the Democrats were quick to criticize. Now that the Democrats are in control of congress and the White House, they are spending in a manner that makes the U.S. Enterprise look likes it's sitting still. Enter the Republicans, all of a sudden they are opposed to deficit spending and the "out of control" leadership of both the White House and Congress.

The fact is that Americans are being given the run around and that BOTH political parties are responsible for the current financial crisis. Unfortunately, this problem will not be solved until the people stop playing "us versus them," this is exactly the game that both of the big two political parties want the populace to play. This method allows the big spenders in Washington to keep their high profile positions and the only thing that gets resolved come election time, is who it is that gets to do the spending!

When one looks closely at the situation you will notice that you and I don't propose a federal budget. The President does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The elected members of the House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, an elected Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, an elected Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred Senators, 435 Congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices -- 545 human beings out of the entire United States population are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

If we continue to play yellow dog politics, and point the finger at the "other side" each time something goes wrong, we will continue to feed the monster that created this problem in the first place. The current economic issue is not a "Republican problem" it is not a "Democrat problem," it is a LEADERSHIP PROBLEM.

The only way to right the ship is by demanding accountability from our elected officials. We can remain partisan when it comes to our allegiance to one party, but it is time that we hold ALL elected officials to the same standard. The senseless spending by OUR ELECTED officials will end only, when our leaders in Washington realize that they work FOR THE PEOPLE. Vote Democrat if you wish, vote Republican, but hold these elected officials to a higher standard and when they do not meet those standards vote them OUT OF OFFICE! It is time for Americans to come to the realization that term limits are necessary for ALL elected officials and that first and foremost on every politicians agenda is pleasing those which he or she represents.

We The People are not to fear the government, the government should fear the people and there is nothing that a politician fears more than the election booth!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Indoctrination Program?

Rep. Michele Bachmann, (R) Minnesota recently had some interesting comments regarding President Obama's re-education of America's youth through the Kennedy Serve America Act.

Appearing on Minnesota radio station KTLK-AM, (h/t Minnesota Independent) the Republican congresswoman expressed her concern that the White House was trying to put in place “re-education camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward.” Furthering the Obama-as-autocrat theme, Bachmann said the youngsters would “then they have to go to work in some of these politically correct forums.”

I must say that I agree with the congresswoman as to the cause and purpose of this Act. Only in America could our government create a PAID, VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. The passing of this Act will increase the size of Americorp, which currently has a membership of around 75,000, to a whopping 250,000. According to Senator Ted Kennedy, "This legislation will enable many more Americans to do something for their country to meet the many challenges facing us," this quote almost gives the impression that Americans were not ABLE or CAPABLE of serving their country. Shew, thank God that we came up with a program that will now ENABLE us to help one another out.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul explained to House Members that this unconstitutional bill (H.R. 1388) will "take money from one group of citizens and use that money to bribe other citizens into performing 'national service'" and that it "violates the basic moral principles of individual liberty that this country was founded upon."

The Texas Congressman along with the Minnesota Congresswoman both are correct and each have exposed a fundamental problem with the Serve Act. One, it will take wealth from one group and it will divert the funds toward an ideological agenda. This agenda will then be used to indoctrinate the youth involved, with the philosophy of the Obama Administration.

It is not the governments responsiblity to tell the citizenry what values to have, what they should do, when they should do it and how it should be done. Those who support this type of thinking are implying that our children are wards of the state, an idea very popular with socialism. In contrast it is the family, church, society, and teachers that we should rely upon to help mold the minds of our youth, not the federal government.

In closing I might add that this type of program was highly touted, and widely accepted as a "great thing," in Nazi Germany.

Those Arrogant Dismissive Americans

In a speech given the other day in France the president expounded on Americas lack of appreciation for European leadership, President Barack Obama declared that America has "failed to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world" and has "shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive" towards its allies.

These words are staggering considering that they are coming from the leader of the free world. It is apparent that President Obama shares the same sentiment of the first lady, who now is only known as "Michelle," by the liberal media, in that he too is not so proud of the U.S.A.

Perhaps President Obama should have taken into consideration the selfless acts of American soldiers who are now buried on the very French soil on which he made these socialist patronizing comments. It is very clear that the President believes in unity at all costs even if it means American Sovereignty, he speaks of America as an embarrased parent would of an unruly child. This is not the kind of leadership that America needs, in fact I would argue that he is the one who is derisive and arrogant. In an attempt to maintain his celebrity status, President Obama has been on a week long diatribe renouncing the very country that he is supposed to represent.

Some will argue that the Presidents criticism of America is nothing more than a vain attempt to garner support among European countries in regards to the war in Afghanistan. Perhaps that is the goal, but to openly criticize your country on foreign soil seems more like patronizing and less like posturing.

The facts are that our current president would love for America to be more like European countries, he longs for the socialist agenda to sweep across our great land. President Obama did not run for the office of president in order to restore America to her greatness, instead he ran to impose the great ideals of European Socialism on America. He is a globalist and for anyone to deny it in the face of what has happened the first 70 plus days of his administration would be to openly admit to being ignorant, stupid or indoctrinated beyond reason.

The arrogant, derisive America that President Obama so ashamedly declares to the Europeans, is the America that literally saved the French from Nazi annihiliation, the same America that imposed the Marshall plan to bail out a war torn Europe, the same America that boldly stood in the face of Communism and declared "tear down this wall!" This same group of arrogant, derisive Americans liberated Iraqis from a cruel, harsh, maniacal dictator, they donated, volunteered and embraced hurricane, tsunami and flood victims all over the planet. This is the country that Barack Hussein Obama declares as arrogant.

I have tried and tried to visualize the country that President Obama has described in his European speech, I cannot find it anywhere around me, I suppose it is because I truly believe that despite our faults that America IS a great nation. President Obama on the other hand believes that one day, after he has imposed all of his socialist ideas, that America will become a great nation.

It is apparent that the president cannot see the forest for the trees!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Left and Right are LEFT

Below is a little diagram that visually explains the left and right as it currently exists in America.

Total Government{------------------------------------*-------} No Govt.
The red asterik represents the position that our Founding Fathers felt comfortable with on the spectrum

Now, todays political scene.

Total Government {----L------R---------------------*------} No. Govt.

The L and R represent where the Dems (L) and Republicans (R) are now on the same spectrum, notice where they are related to our founding fathers.

You see the problem is that both left and right are actually LEFT!

Queens Gift To Calderon Appropriate

Recently during his visit to England for the G20 Summit, Mexican President Philipe Calderon was gifted a copy of George Orwell's 1984 by the Queen of England. Considering the fact that Claderon and the social elite in Mexico basically control the country as well as the fact that Mexico has rather obvious social classes the book could not have been more appropriate.

In the novel, Oceania has a strict social class arrangement with the Inner Party at the top (2% of the population represented by Big Brother), the Outer Party of bureaucrats in the middle, and a large number of Proles at the bottom. The top 2% believes the Proles are inferior and expendable and strives to make certain they live in misery. When one takes a close look at modern day Mexico you will notice that the average Mexican lives in perpetual poverty while a small predatory group of ruthless leaders make up the upper class.

Do you suppose that the Queen was trying to send a message? I doubt it, but it sure seems to be a fitting gift. The only problem that I have is that she didn't distribute about 19 more copies, after all it was the G20 SUMMIT.

Promises Broken

"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains tax, not any of your taxes. " President Barack Hussein Obama

Uh, what about indirect taxes? Guess he forgot to mention that one, but then again ANY FORM of tax increase would implicitly include indirect taxes wouldn't it?

I am not a smoker, I actually detest cigarettes, but the recent tax increase of .62 cents per pack of cigarettes is wrong in so many ways. First of all the President lied, he said that we would not see any form of tax increase. I know that I am allowing myself some liberty here when I make reference to his comments, but all kidding aside, who is going to feel the brunt of this tax? I guarantee you that it will be persons making less than $200,000 per year. The very people that he "made a firm pledge" to not tax. In fact this particular tax will affect disproportionately affect more poor persons than any other group of Americans.

In addition to having an impact on the wallets of those Americans making less than $200,000 per year, it will have an adverse effect on tobacco growers, and the last time I checked there are quite of few of those in Virginia. Therefore, as citizens of the commonwealth, a tobacco producing state, we are essentially getting a double whammy.

I hope that this is as bad as it gets but for some reason a tiny voice in my head keeps saying this is only the beginning.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Remember when the East Germans collaborated with the Stasi and informed on their own citizens during the cold war, GET READY HERE WE GO AGAIN! If this isn't bad enough the PRESIDENT AND HIS Admin. are now going to FORCE AMERICANS TO BE CHARITABLE!

"Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, publicly stated his intention to help create “universal civil defense training” in 2006.In an interview with Ben Smith of the New York Daily News, Emanuel outlined the agenda for military-style training, essentially a domestic draft, aimed at preparing Americans for a chemical or biological terrorist attack.Asked by Smith about the universal service plan and whether people would have to live in military barracks, Emanuel laughed before responding, “We’re going to have universal civil defense training, somewhere between the ages of 18 to 25 you will do three months of training….but there can be nothing wrong with all Americans having a joint similar experience of what we call civil defense training or civil service in service of the country, in preparation, which will give people a sense of what it means to be an American.”“It will be a common experience and we will be prepared, God forbid, God forbid that there is a chemical hit, another terrorist act or natural disaster becoming more frequent - there’ll be a body of citizens who are ready and capable and trained - that’s all you have to think about,” said Emanuel before smugly declaring, “We’re all here for you OK? It’s a circle of love.”Asked if the training would be military style, with people wearing uniforms, Emanuel stated, “If you’re worried about are you going to have to do 50 jumping jacks the answer is yes,” adding that the service could be done through state national guard."

The G.I.V.E. ACT on the table looks to be an admirable goal, bringing Americans together from all walks of life, creating a sense of community ownership as well as a generating a charitable spirit. The problem however, is that all of these goals are going to be FORCED. In other words the government now has decided that charity is good for everyone even if forced.

The underlying problem that I have with this program is not the issue of FORCED CHARITY, it is the actual, "REAL," purpose of the program, indoctrination. With the use of 6 million dollars of American tax payer supported money the Obama Administration is going to initiate a program that will essentially indoctrinate the youth of America with their ideologies and opinions. Through this program, the youth will become a part of the new "Green," movement, as if the public school system didn't need any more of a work load, not too mention the fact that a new group of followers will be created, and they will be sworn to point out possible terrorist and even those with dissenting opinions. If you don't believe me read the bill.

If this doesn't sound familiar allow me to throw a few names at you, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini. Now first of all I am not in any way suggesting that President Obama and his administration are trying to recreate Naziism, I am however suggesting that they have pulled this little stunt straight out of the pages of Hitlerean ideology. In other words, what is the best way to get everyone thinking the same way, start a youth civillian corp and go from there. It is amazing how congress is perfectly willing to enable the president with the tools necessary to bring about RADICAL CHANGE in this country. The mandatory participation that is required by the G.I.V.E. ACT essentially TAKES more than it gives. ............Our Rights to choose when, where and how to be charitable.

Wow, with activism on the rise, it should be expected that there will be many diversionary tactics coming out of Washington and the mainstream media. It is currently estimated that there could be as many as 500 Tea Parties taking place all across the country on April 15th, tax day.
The fact that politicians will no doubt start to become more and more concerned, is evidence that we can expect a barrage of "blame someone else," propaganda in the coming days and weeks in the headlines. I encourage everyone to stay focused on the problem at hand to not allow another "AIG BONUS DIVERSION," to take our eyes off of the real culprits......our leaders and representatives in Washington.
Check out this link to see what the above poster is about!