Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lunatic Fringe Part 4 Kevin Jennings

"You want to know what I believe, just look to the people that I surround myself with"

President Obama

NAME: Kevin Jennings


BIO: The founder of the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network. Jennings is famous for his advocacy of toleration toward homosexuals and the homosexual community. He is a successful author and huge proponent of introducing curriculum in public schools that would promote gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender themes. He has publicly went on record as indicating that he supports the "queering of elementary school students." It is his theory that through education children can be conditioned to respond positively to alternative lifestyles. Thus eliminating characterizations and stereotypes and eventually "hate crimes." Interestingly enough, Jennings has proven to be very intolerant of dissenting views and does not practice what he preaches.

QUOTES: "We have to stop being afraid of the religious right......I'm not trying to say {F***} 'em, which is what I want to say, because I don't care what they think! Drop Dead!"

"Ex-Gay messages have no place in our public schools!"

"I have embraced the idea of promoting homosexuality!"

SYNOPSIS: Kevin Jennings does not meet the ethical standards for public service. I am not basing my statement on the quotes mentioned above nor on his sexual preferences, but rather in regards to his response to a student while he was an educator.

While teaching, Jennings was told by a 15 year old male student that the student was having a sexual relationship with an older man. Instead of reporting this to the authorities, which is his duty as a citizen and in most states his duty as an educator, Jennings encouraged the young man to "use a condom." Jennings was perfectly aware of the fact that the situation could be considered statutory rape by law. (It is important to note that the age of statutory rape differs from state to state)

The information that Jennings was privy to regarding the student also included the fact that the student had met the older man in a public restroom and became acquainted with the man through apparent sexual solicitation. We know this because during a speech given at a GLSEN rally he has been quoted as saying "I met someone in the bus station bathroom and I went home with him, High School sophomore, 15 years old. That was the only way he knew how to meet Gay people." The very fact that the young man's life could have been in danger, apparently did not cross the mind of Jennings, his only concern appears to be that the young man had "safe sex," with a total stranger.

The fact that Jennings did not report this incident to the authorities, to the school or to the students parents accompanied with his outspoken and utter resentment towards religion leads me to believe that he is ethically irresponsible, close minded and should not be placed in a position of public service. Questions need to be asked and the first that comes to mind is how does someone with this type of history get through the vetting process?


(based on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most extreme)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lunatic Fringe Part 3

"You want to know my policies, look to the people I surround myself with..."
President Obama Nov. 2008

NAME: Mark Lloyd


Bio: A distinguished journalist with NBC and CNN, Lloyd recently was appointed to the advisory position of FCC Diversity CZAR. Author of the book "Prologue to a Farce," in which Lloyd recommends the public redistribution of corporate wealth. The suggestion calls for making private broadcasting companies pay licensing fees equal to their operation costs. These fees would then be used to finance public broadcasting. Taking funds from one group and giving them to another group is nothing more than SOCIALISM! If implemented this program would make it nearly impossible for private broadcasting companies to operate and therefore eliminate the private sector of broadcasting. This is nothing more than a legal method of eliminating conservative voices on the national airwaves AKA silencing dissenting opinions. Lloyd also suggests that the material that appears on these broadcast stations should become more "diverse," which is nothing more than code language for liberal or progressive activities.

Mark Lloyd is a supporter of the "Fairness Doctrine," which suggests that all radio and television time should be divided equally among conservative and progressive view points. Despite his support of the "Fairness Doctrine," Lloyd has went on record by publicly stating that he does not believe the "Fairness Doctrine to be enough!" Interestingly enough, the demands of the market place show that there is an overwhelming demand for conservative programming as opposed to minimal demand for progressive programming.

In addition to his socialist views regarding broadcast programming, Lloyd also supports community organized thugocracy. For example, he encourages group actions that would protest a stations hiring of too few Latinos, by doing so they could bring action against the station and force the station to become more "diverse." Lloyd has a history of encouraging liberal groups to harass radio stations through the FCC, now that he works for the FCC is it not common sense to expect that he will carry on this agenda from his new position?

Lloyd is also a huge supporter of Venezuelan Dictator, Hugo Chavez, Lloyd has even publicly stated that he views Chavez's take over of the country as a Democratic process. He also has indicated that the media in Venezuela, particularly the radio stations, prevented Chavez from taking over and implementing "change." Ironically enough, it was only AFTER he regulated the radio stations into the ground that he was able to successfully gain control of the country. Hmmmmmmmmmmm!

QUOTES: "The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) must be reformed along democratic lines and funded on a substantial level."

"This funding should come from license fees charged to commercial broadcasters."

"Local public broadcasters and regional and national broadcasters should be required to encourage and broadcast diverse views and opinions."

"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press...this freedom is all too often an exaggeration...these only serve as a distraction from the critical examination of the of other communication policies."

Synopsis: It is rather clear that Mark Lloyd understands how to manipulate corporations through the use of the FCC. The fact that he admits that there is a higher demand for conservative programming indicates that he is aware of the public demand for such programming. Therefore, his desire to give us more progressive programming is a clear indicator that he believes that he and the federal government know what is best for the people. By forcing more progressive programming on the people he is essentially giving them more of what they do not want. This approach is directly in line with the progressive view that you have to give the people what they need, because they do not know what is best for themselves. Welcome to the NANNY STATE!

The redistribution of corporate wealth is another indicator of his Marxist philosophy regarding economics. This philosophy, if implemented is designed to destroy corporate influence of the air waves and essentially eliminate capitalism from the broadcasting sphere. ...........Imagine that, the government controlling the air waves!

Lunatic Fringe Rating: 7

(based on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most extreme)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lunatic Fringe #2

"You want to know my policies, look to the people I surround myself with...." Barack Obama Nov. 2008

Name: Cass Sunstein

Position: Regulatory CZAR

Bio: Highly esteemed American legal scholar and author of Nudge. In this book, Sunstein suggests that the legal system does not have to be radically overhauled or changed but rather through manipulation or regulation current laws can be used to accomplish the change necessary to socially change America. It is his belief that you can NUDGE people into changing their way of life by systematically changing laws and creating regulations that will move them, against their will, into doing what the government deems to be in their best interest. An example of this practice could be a recommendation to add over 400 new species to the endangered species list. By doing so, cattle owners will find the land that they use under greater restrictions, which in turn will make it more difficult for them to operate as a business. This would lead to a rise in the cost of meat, the rise in meat prices would result in a lower consumption of meat and gradually NUDGE citizens into becoming vegetarians.

Sunstein is a proponent of the "second Bill of Rights." According to Sunstein, the Constitution of the United States needs to guarantee health care, the right to a job, a home and protection against monopolies. In order to grant these "rights" to persons, the size of the federal government will need to expand. Sunstein suggests that the U.S. Constitution tells you what the Federal Government cannot do, but argues that it does not tell you what it should do. Therefore, by suggesting that everyone is entitled to these "rights" it will become necessary for the caregiver of these rights to have an increase in power, in order to assure these rights. This theory, if applied, will lead to an expansion of the Federal Government!

The most controversial facts about Sunstein would have to be his position regarding Animal Rights. Sunstein has gone on record publicly and in writing that he supports legal rights for animals. That is correct! Sunstein supports giving animals legal rights so that they might be able to sue their owners. According to Sunstein the legal guardianship of the animal could be procured by the attorney that is bringing suit on behalf of the victimized animal. As outrageous as this sounds, below you will see excerpts of statements made by Sunstein that will definitively prove that this is his position.

Sunstein, being a huge animal rights supporter, has proposed a complete ban on hunting and believes that all of society should stop eating meat and endorse a vegan lifestyle. This is even more so alarming, considering that he is now the regulatory CZAR and therefore has the ability to NUDGE the laws of our country to support his radical agenda.

Quotes: "We ought to ban hunting, I suggest that if there isn't a purpose other than sporting or fun. That should be against the law. The time is now."

He suggested in a recent speech at Harvard that the current treatment of livestock and other animals be considered, "a form of unconscionable barbarity, not the same as, but in may ways akin to, slavery and mass extermination of human beings."

"Animals should be permitted to bring suit, with humans as their representatives, to prevent violations of current law, any animals that would be entitled to bring suit would be represented by human counsel, who would owe guardian like obligations and make decisions, subject to those obligations on their clients behalf."

"There should be extensive regulation of the use of animals."

Synopsis: It appears rather clear that Sunstein understands how to bring about the change that he believes is best for society, his thoughts expressed in the book Nudge clearly show this to be true. It also appears that his appointment to the position of Regulatory CZAR will enable him with the power to implement such a plan. His radical views regarding animal rights could potentially lead to our legal system being overwhelmed not too mention literally placing the status of personhood on animals.It is my opinion that this man, despite his kind personality and legal prowess is the most dangerous of all of the presidents appointments.

Lunatic Fringe Rating: 10

(based on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most extreme)

Van Jones = 7

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lunatic Fringe Part 1

"You want to know what my policies are, look to the people I surround myself with...."
Barack Obama Nov. 2008

Name: Van Jones

Position: Former Green Jobs CZAR

Bio: A Self Avowed Communist, Black Nationalist, and radical revolutionary, Jones was appointed to the position of Green Jobs CZAR by the president on March 16th of 2009.
Early in his career, Jones was a self described revolutionary, he co-founded the organization S.T.O.R.M. (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement) a group that was explicitly dedicated to revolutionary Marxist politics. He is also the co-founder of Colorofchange.org, an organization dedicated to strengthening Black America's political voice.
Jones has also been criticized for his support of convicted cop killer and avowed communist, Mumaia Abu-Jamal, his efforts to free Abu-Jamal led to his forming the Bay area Police Watch, a group that sought out to expose police injustices. In addition to his relationships with fringe groups, Jones is also the author of Green Dollar Economy, a proposed solution to our economic and environmental problems. Interestingly enough, the solution requires a COMPLETE RE-STRUCTURING OF AMERICA.

Quotes: concerning the Rodney King verdicts in 1992 "I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, then the verdicts came down on April 29th, by August I was a Communist!"

"I met all these young radical people of color -- I mean really radical, Communist and Anarchist, and it was like, this is what I need to be a part of..."

"Republicans are ###holes"

Jones referred to a Memphis prison as "a huge slave ship on dry ground..."

"You don't have to call somebody the N-Word if you can call them a felon.."

"This movement is deeper than a solar panel, it's deeper than a solar panel. Don't stop there. Don't stop there. No where gonna change the whole system, were gonna change the whole thing." Excerpt from a speech given in April of 2009

"In this stage of the struggle, and I'll only speak to this stage of the struggle, I am the best (inaudible) the capitalist every had......" April of 2009

"You have never seen a black kid commit a Columbine..."

"the white polluters and the white environmentalist are steering poison into the black neighborhoods...."

Views: Jones is clearly a Marxist inspired politician. Despite claims that he is now a capitalist, he has never denounced his Marxist philosophy. His connections to black nationalist, the Black Panthers and his support for communist cop killer Mumai Abu-Jamal shows that he has been exposed to very radical ideology. His belief that the 9/11 massacre was
coordinated and or allowed to happen by the Bush Administration is also another indicator of how far out of touch he is with reality.

Lunatic Fringe Rating: 7

(based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most extreme)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blue America?

Now, that we are living in "Blue" America, I figured that it was only appropriate to ask a few questions to our liberal friends.

1. Why do liberals demand tolerance, only to be so intolerant of conservatives? The agenda is simple, anything on the fringe is and should be accepted by society, anyone that doesn't accept it is a hatemonger, bigot and a racist. However, if you happen to be a conservative, well you my friend are not entitled to the same treatment, you have a disease, you are a pariah and it is o.k. to be intolerant of your views or opinions. Welcome to Blue America!

2. Why does the word diversity only refer to skin color, but never to diversity of thought? Actually, it is o.k. to think whatever you want, as long as what you think is in line with the liberal agenda. Mainstream liberals often cry foul when they feel that a particular minority group is not being properly represented. They argue that our offices, schools and factories are not diverse enough, yet if you have a different way of thinking than they do, you suddenly are once again labled as a bigot, racist or hatemonger. Apparently, intellectual diversity has no place in a liberal or aka Blue Society.

3. Why do liberals assume that everyone around them are also liberal? They constantly lambaste conservatives openly with the assumption that the persons that they are in company with are all in agreement. When they suddenly discover that you are a conservative, they hiss and jump back as if you have the plague. In Blue America the age old mantra of the liberals to " accept everyone for who they really are," does not apply to those awful Conservatives!

4. What is the deal with liberals and personal Choices? Most liberals will cry loud that they support a womans right to choose to have an abortion, but at the same time, they want the government to tell me that I can't choose to have a gun. They want the government to choose my health care plan, but they don't like the idea that I might choose to send my kids to a private school. In Blue America, you have the freedom of choice, as long as that choice is in line with the liberal agenda.

5. What's the deal with liberals and labels? True, the word liberal is a label, but why is it that liberals can refer to conservatives as rednecks, nazis, fascist, homo-phobes, racist, bigots and hatemongers and then turn around a cry foul when someone calls them a liberal. In Blue America, certain words are o.k., in fact all words are o.k. as long as those words are NOT USED to describe a liberal.

A New American Revolution

We are witnessing a New American Revolution. In the past few months millions of Conservative Americans have witnessed the rise of Blue America. The vision that the progressives have for this country has been revealed and it has proven to be an eye opening experience for conservatives everywhere.

I believe that we are witnessing an historic moment in American history and it is not the rise of Socialism, but rather the awakening of Conservatism. The American people are starting to become more involved and more outspoken, politicians are avoiding their constituents, congress is in chaos, the presidents approval rating is in rapid decline and the great Leviathan is starting to tremble.

The liberals in Washington are now standing before the shears and when all is done, they will find themselves shivering in the cold, wandering what went wrong. The exposure of the modern progressive agenda will no doubt be damaging to the Democrat Party, but it should also serve as a warning to the Republican Party. The Republicans, who have made every attempt possible to hijack the tea party movement, have also been guilty of harboring progressives among their ranks. They have accrued massive debt and abandoned free market principals. They have cried SECURITY, SECURITY, SECURITY, only to do nothing to stop illegal immigration. They have openly promoted globalization as well as a highly questionable foreign policy agenda. They need not assume that the podium will be theirs for the taking.

"Arise thou that sleepest and let your voice be heard!"