Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Party Rhetoric shows the true colors of Libs and the Media

The recent Tax Day Tea Parties, which garnered little to any mainstream media, proved that average mainstream Americans are able to organize and protest without the assistance of an organization or central headquarters.

Unlike the liberals in Washington, which use union groups, liberal organizations and A.C.O.R.N. to do their dirty work, the conservatives proved on April 15th exactly what a real grass roots movement looks like. This movement wasn't fabricated, people were not paid to board a bus and given a sign to hold, the Tea Party demonstrators were relying on their own creativity and motivation to send their message to Washington beuracrats.

There are however two negatives that I see coming from the Tea Party movement. The first negative is that the Republican Party is trying to piggy back onto the movement and ride the populist zeal that has created all of this fury. The Tea Party movement begin during the Bush administration and was a result of massive spending by the the Republicans. It is a crying shame that an honest grass roots movement could be hijacked by one of or any of the political parties. Unfortunately, there are very few that will see this for what it is, the very people that were initially spending money like crazy are now on board because it seems to be the popular thing to do. It is important that we remember how we got here and recognize that it was both political parties that got America in this mess and it is unfair to pretend that it is a one party problem.

The second negative that I seen come out of the Tea Party Tax Day Revival, was the coverage given to the protests by the liberal media. The only major network to give adequate coverage to the Tea Party protests was Fox, and I can assure you that they were only on the band wagon because they new that it would garner them a slick ratings hike, much like the opportunistic politicians who are riding this wave, Fox too is along because there is something in it for them.

Despite the obvious patronizing by Fox, they were not to be outdone by MSNBC, CNN and HNN. One of the most disgusting pieces of journalism that I have ever witnessed in my life occurred on the Rachel Maddow show. Maddow, the ultra-liberal talk show, network proclaimed sensation, continuously made snickering comments about "tea-bagging," in fact she rarely referred to the protest events as Tea Parties, which would have been the proper and appropriate term for the demonstrations. What is wrong with her childish antics and use of the term "tea-bagging" you might ask? Just Google the term "tea-bagging" and you will quickly find out why her adolescent repetitive comments were so unprofessional.

During her program, she often had to stop her monologue because she could not keep from snickering, her actions were akin to a middle schooler laughing at a flatulence joke. During the course of her interview with Ana Marie Cox, a contributor to the dailybeast website, an ultra-liberal soap box, she and Mrs. Cox continued to use the term "tea-bagging" in a satirical manner that would have made the folks at Saturday Night Live proud. Some of the derogatory comments made during the show are listed at the end of this blog. (YOU CAN VIEW THE VIDEO SEGMENT HERE)

This type of filthy humor and the fact that standards and practices at MSNBC would permit such inuendo on the airwaves is just another example of how far out of touch the left wing media is with mainstream America. The fact that tongue in cheek humor was used is acceptable, the problem is in the subject material and childish actions of both host and guest. This type of rhetoric only further demonstrates the gutter mentality that is often associated with liberal ideology.

It is indeed a sad day when Americans cannot view a news broadcast without having to be subjected to this type of filth and lack of respect. Had the tax day protests been addressed toward the Bush administration, you can rest assured that the liberal media would have been all over it.....................and you can rest assured that Fox news would have been searching for their own Rachel Maddow to make light of the days events.

Where is this country headed?


Cox: "it is true that a majority of the tea-baggers in congress are misrepresented."

Maddow: "....with the tea bagging of congress, which has been happening through the mail, which I didn't even know was possible...(laugh)"

Cox: "...well who wouldn't want to tea-bag John McCain? I mean, that's all I have to say.."

Maddow: "presumably if he is being tea bagged while doing so (listening), the message will be a bit muffled...."

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