Friday, April 10, 2009

Who is to Blame?

If one listens closely to the Democrats and Republicans it would appear that both groups heavily oppose deficits and deficit spending. However, upon closer examination that is only true for each group as long as the other is the one doing the spending. For example, while the Bush administration was spending money like Captain Kirk at Warp Speed the Democrats were quick to criticize. Now that the Democrats are in control of congress and the White House, they are spending in a manner that makes the U.S. Enterprise look likes it's sitting still. Enter the Republicans, all of a sudden they are opposed to deficit spending and the "out of control" leadership of both the White House and Congress.

The fact is that Americans are being given the run around and that BOTH political parties are responsible for the current financial crisis. Unfortunately, this problem will not be solved until the people stop playing "us versus them," this is exactly the game that both of the big two political parties want the populace to play. This method allows the big spenders in Washington to keep their high profile positions and the only thing that gets resolved come election time, is who it is that gets to do the spending!

When one looks closely at the situation you will notice that you and I don't propose a federal budget. The President does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The elected members of the House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, an elected Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, an elected Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred Senators, 435 Congressmen, one President, and nine Supreme Court justices -- 545 human beings out of the entire United States population are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

If we continue to play yellow dog politics, and point the finger at the "other side" each time something goes wrong, we will continue to feed the monster that created this problem in the first place. The current economic issue is not a "Republican problem" it is not a "Democrat problem," it is a LEADERSHIP PROBLEM.

The only way to right the ship is by demanding accountability from our elected officials. We can remain partisan when it comes to our allegiance to one party, but it is time that we hold ALL elected officials to the same standard. The senseless spending by OUR ELECTED officials will end only, when our leaders in Washington realize that they work FOR THE PEOPLE. Vote Democrat if you wish, vote Republican, but hold these elected officials to a higher standard and when they do not meet those standards vote them OUT OF OFFICE! It is time for Americans to come to the realization that term limits are necessary for ALL elected officials and that first and foremost on every politicians agenda is pleasing those which he or she represents.

We The People are not to fear the government, the government should fear the people and there is nothing that a politician fears more than the election booth!

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