Friday, June 26, 2009

Sanford Should Practice What He Preaches

South Carolina Governor, Mark Sanford(R) tearfully admitted to having an affair during a press conference on June 24th. Sanford, has confirmed that he was having an extramarital relationship with an Argentine woman. The affair apparently has been ongoing for nearly a year.

The major problem that I have with this announcement is that Sanford has never been one to shy away from his religious views. Sure everyone makes mistakes and Lord knows that nobody is perfect. However, I feel it necessary to call Sanford out on one issue. Remember, Bill Clinton?

During Monica-Gate, Sanford was one of the more outspoken leaders who called for Bill Clinton to resign his position as president, due to his "immoral actions which disgraced the office of the presidency." Now the roles are reversed and Sanford suddenly has a change of heart, he has said that he will not resign from the Governorship. Sorry Mark, you can't have it both ways!

Another sad note to pass on about this whole incident, is that Sanford was a leading candidate for the GOP in 2012. His tough stance on T.A.R.P. funds, conservative fiscal policy and strong record would have carried him a long way. Now the GOP can scratch his name off the list and deservedly so.

Just goes to prove that whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, the rooster will eventually come home to roost!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stop Cap and Trade Legislation NOW!

Contact TODAY! 202-224-3121

Congress is preparing to increase YOUR cost of living and effectively put 1 MILLION Americans out of work. The "Cap and Trade" bill that is currently in the House will have an adverse effect on every tax paying American. Presently, Nancy Pelosi along with House Democrats are trying to push this legislation through as early as Friday, June 26th.

This power grab by the government, described in a previous blog , will continue to further manipulate an already over-regulated energy industry. If you are smart enough to lick a postage stamp you should be able to figure out who this tax will be passed on to.... the CONSUMER.

In addition to the extra cost, which has been estimated as high as $3,800 per year per household, over 1 million Americans are expected to lose their jobs due to the restrictions that this legislation will impose. Our Congress is seeking to fix an alleged problem that has been discredited by over 31,478 scientists. Interesting enough, 3,803 of these scientists are specialist in the fields of atmospheric, earth and environmental sciences.

If this legislation passes you WILL PAY MORE for gasoline, electric services, as well as higher costs for goods due to transportation fees. If you work in the energy service field, you could see yourself unemployed or regulated right out of a job. I have stated this time and again, the Cap and Trade legislation has the potential to be the greatest scam ever played on the American people, some may laugh at my comments and that is fine. But I guarantee that if this legislation passes, that in the next 10 years, the standard of living in America will diminish greatly and the cost of energy will become outrageous.

Common sense should tell everyone that if the cost of energy increases, that it will become more difficult for the average American to consume energy. Notice, I said "average American," Cap and Trade will allow those with larger than life incomes to waste, use and pollute in greater quantities than before, .....because they will be able to afford it, without penalty. In other words pollution is baaaaaaddddd unless you can afford it! There is something terribly wrong with legislation that is designed to "save the planet," when that same legislation allows the Al Gores of the world to burn more fuel daily than 10 American homes would in the course of a year.

If you are concerned about this legislation, I implore you to call the government switchboard, ask to be transferred to your congressman and tell him to VOTE NO, on the Cap and Trade legislation. Dont wait, every minute counts.......(202) 224-3121

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ABC and Obama Merge

President Obama has said time and again that he wants bi-partisan discussion regarding the Health Care issues in America. On June 24th ABC news will merge with "team" Obama to present a subjective view of these issues.

In what can only be described as an Orwellian merger of government and media, ABC news will broadcast live from the East room. This is not the first time that a "town hall" meeting has been held by a major network, but this event will set a precedent. In a move that is absolutely designed to silence dissenting opinions, ABC news will not permit opposing views to be discussed. In other words President Obama is being given an infomercial to promote his parties views of how the health care system should be ran without permitting viewers an opportunity to find out about the alternatives or opposing views. This is unprofessional, immoral and an example of non-objective journalism on the part of ABC. Not too mention manipulative by the Obama administration.

ABCNEWS, senior Vice President Kerry Smith released a statement;

"ABCNEWS prides itself on covering all sides of important issues and asking direct questions of all news makers -- of all political persuasions -- even when others have taken a more partisan approach and even in the face of criticism from extremes on both ends of the political spectrum. ABCNEWS is looking for the most thoughtful and diverse voices on this issue. "ABCNEWS alone will select those who will be in the audience asking questions of the president. Like any programs we broadcast, ABC News will have complete editorial control. To suggest otherwise is quite unfair to both our journalists and our audience."

If ABC NEWS selects the audience and disallows opposing viewpoints from the other major party, how can this be considered as taking direct questions "from all political persuasions?" Instead of being concerned about the fairness of which their journalist might receive, ABC needs to consider the overtly subjective manner in which they are attempting to manipulate the viewers of this program. But then again, that is what they are doing, they WANT TO manipulate the message and they hope to gain more favor with the Obama administration by doing so.

In the past few weeks ABC has clearly shown that it is in bed with the progressive left. The recent propaganda piece, Earth 2100 was among one of the most far left indoctrination attempts that I have ever witnessed by a major media outlet. Now, Charlie Gibson has the "tough" task of hosting the program in front of a "diverse" pre-selected audience, while President Obama fields some "really hard and thought provoking questions."

I fear that we are beginning to witness the open merger of government and media. Without unbiased, objective reporting the American people will become even more unfamiliar with the facts and thus become more ignorant of what is going on around them.

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Everyone Guessed Wrong."

Vice President, Joe Biden recently appeared on Meet The Press and he was questioned regarding the end all be all, life saving stimulus plan that was supposed to save the day for America. The VP appeared to be rather forthright and honest when he said ,"everyone guessed wrong." His comments were in regard to the failure or lack of success that was created by the stimulus plan.

The only problem that I have with the Vice Presidents comments is that I do not believe for one minute that anyone "guessed" wrong. The powers that be in Washington D.C. were no where near stupid enough to actually think that the stimulus plan would save the day. In fact, anyone with a little bit of common sense would realize that spending money does not end debt, but rather creates more of it!

The Vice President then backed away from the administrations previous "guess" that suggested that the stimulus package would create 3.5 million jobs. For the first time in his life, Vice President Biden took a conservative approach and suggested that the stimulus would only create 600,000 jobs. Unfortunately, this type of conservatism isn't what we need!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Olberman Crosses The Line

In a recent rant on the ultra-liberal, ultra biased, non objective news program Countdown with Keith Olberman, the diarrhea-mouthed talk show host once again showed his allegiance to the liberal cause. In classical MSNBC fashion, Olberman attempted to link the political right to the crazed anti-semite James Von Brunn. The ridiculous comments came days after Von Brunn, entered the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and wreaked havoc in a shootout with museum guards.

Olberman, had this to say about Von Brunn; ‘The Far Right is in a state of despair, desperate to change the paradigm that transformed our federal government so dramatically when Team Obama took office. My fear is that this is just the start of a parade of Far Right Wing nutballs coming unglued with a gun.’

For Olberman to throw all right wing supporters into the same category as Von Brunn is an obvious show of his subjective and often biased reporting. Olberman now is suggesting that the "far right" is in such a state of despair that anyone who falls into that category will soon start taking up guns and start coming "unglued."

We'll Mr. Olberman, I am a PROUD, gun-owning conservative and YES, the Obama administration most definitely concerns me. I have found it difficult to watch as "Team Obama" DESTROYS THE CONSTITUTION of the United States. But, I have NEVER, EVER considered becoming "unglued" and opening fire on innocent citizens. How dare you throw me into the same category as the confused and cowardly Von Brunn. Perhaps you, Sir need to stop and take a long look at the RADICAL LEFT WING attack machine that provides you with your bully pulpit. Step down from the soap box, take a look in the mirror and see what a real "nutball" looks like.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Earth 2100 Poltical Propaganda of the Worse Kind

Last night, I sat down and made myself watch Earth 2100. The ABC propaganda piece was eerily similiar to some Nazi Propaganda films that I viewed while attending college. The only difference is that this one was of a higher production quality, but have no fear, it was just as disturbing.

The film, which was presented in the form of a first person narrative, describes the impending doom and chaos of planet earth following a failed global summit to curb climate change. The story is told through the voice of 91 year old Lucy, born in 2009, we follow her as she witnesses the total destruction of planet earth.

The film is marred with "green" propaganda unlike anything that I have ever seen. It quite literally would make Al Gore's, Inconvenient Truth, look like a second grade primer. I can appreciate the concern that the films makers have for the planet, but aside from that it was nothing more than a progressive propaganda piece, to impose the green agenda.

The film, takes us through a series of doomsday like catastrophes and finally brings us to the year 2100 in which the earth is totally devasted and humanity a mere after thought. The lead character survived through "the hottest day in history," epic storms, earthquakes, mass flooding, famines, disease, massive population displacement, and social chaos. An interesting feature of the film was the population count that was updated after each catastrophe, the chart showed humanities population plummeting rapidly as the year 2100 approached. The final scenario showed the earths population at a mere 2.7 billion by 2084.

The ultimate liberal disaster flick, however did not end without hope. The viewer was taken back to 2009 and to the global summit meeting, this time the summit meeting ended with smiley faces and everyone agreeing to "sacrifice" for the better of the planet. In this scenario we are assured that through cooperation, sacrifice and committment, a global "paradise" could be procured.

This film was riddled with several terms that should send up red flags to anyone that is aware of the push toward globalization. The climate change problem was described and compared to "war," the desired future was referred to as "paradise," and in one part "utopia." In the film we are told that each of us will have to "sacrifice" individual wants for the better of the common good. We are instructed to "do our part," by performing a long list of duties from using energy efficient light bulbs, driving smaller cars, planting gardens and putting individual wants aside. In the end the conveying message is that individual liberty will have to be sacrificed and the idea of collective liberty will have to become the norm in order for us to save our dying planet.

What I found entertaining about the film was the fact that the creators actually portrayed the problem as being so bad that not even the government could possibly save us from the impending doom. I am sure that the lovers of big government had a hard time squeezing that idea into the film, after all if the government can't save us, who can?

The film depicts the average citizen as someone that does not care enough about the planet to overcome their base desires of consumption. The film suggests that we need to be re-taught and encouraged to come together and as one interviewer said answer “a wake-up call, a challenge for us to plan a different course."

This ABC feature, was nothing more than an attempt to scare an uneducated public into action. It was a fictitous piece of subjective journalism gone amuck and if treated properly should prove to be a black eye on the company for years to come. The Orwellian afterthoughts of this film resonated long after I turned the television off and it made my nights rest very uneasy. For the first time in my life, I finally realize just how big this scam is and how far the peddlers of change are willing to go to manipulate the sheeple!

I believe I'll go dust off my copy of 1984 and give it another read.

We Are a Muslim Country

It is important to note that "if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." The same man who just a few weeks ago declared to the world that America was not a "Christian" nation, is now taking a new approach and calling America one of the largest Muslim nations in the world.

The theme of President Obama's visits to Riyadh on Wednesday and Cairo on Thursday, is slightly different than many imagined. The theme is to portray America as a more tolerant and more Muslim nation. The President, who refused to use his middle name during the campaign, is now being introduced as Barack Hussein Obama before several Muslim leaders. Some may call this a clever maneuver and an attempt to reach out to Muslim countries, to do away with the past of George W. Bush. I beg to differ.

In my opinion, the President is finally taking the opportunity to express his true colors. Portrayed as a practicing "christian" during the campaign, the President has never been baptized and appears ready to start embracing his inner Muslim. Apparently, his advisors believe that America is now willing to accept the presidents background and less likely to ostricize him for his religious heritage. During the campaign this type of announcement would have surely been a major strike against his efforts. Proving once again, that "change" really means the ability to change the story or facts when they become convenient.

I for one, do not think that the President's religious background should have had anything to do with him being elected or not elected, much like I think that Mitt Romney received a bad rap for being a Mormon. I may disagree with their reilgious views, but this is America and everyone should have the freedom to practice whatever religion they choose. The problem that I have with the President is the deception that is involved with his religious views.

During the campaign the President himself stated that his father was an agnostic, now he is claiming his fathers Muslim background. When John McCain referred to America as a "Christian" nation during the campaign he was met with heavy criticism from the left wing media and later even changed his terminology and made reference to our Judeo-Chrisitan value system. I wonder if Keith Olberman and his Obama Kool-Aid Drinkers will bring down the same wrath on Barack Hussein Obama for his comments? I highly doubt it, after all what can one expect from a bunch of hypocrites?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Medical Fascism

President Obama and his fellow progressives in congress are dead set on fixing the problem of unaffordable health care in America. The problem, in their perspective, can only be solved by providing "universal" coverage. Despite the current economic woes, an astronomical amount of debt is about to be passed onto American taxpayers .....again!

In the coming days, weeks and months the move toward universal health care will gradually become a reality. The problem, however will be that the Federal Government cannot possibly negotiate this maneuver without cooperation from private health care providers. This so called cooperation will eventually lead to a merger. This merger will consist of government and private health care. The providers that are willing to meet the governments demands will reap all of the rewards that will come from a government incentive based program. The corporations that choose not to adhere to "forced compliance," will suffer and eventually go out of business or become consumed by the new Universal Health Care Beast. For those of you that need to be reminded, this is what is commonly referred to as Fascism.

In an attempt to save money, doctors will face immense pressure to conform their methods of practice and patients will have to sacrifice quality health care. In an attempt to save "all of us" money. The insurance companies and the government will then strive to increase their profits by ensuring a patient doesn't receive certain types of therapy or treatment. Presently in England a woman may not receive advanced chemotherapy for breast cancer, by denying this treatment money is saved and the "common good" benefits, the patient however does not. Doctors will be intimidated and possibly rewarded for ordering fewer MRI's, X-Rays and other diagnostic procedures. It is important that we keep in mind that the procedures mentioned above are often used to prevent future medical problems. This will not be the case under Medical Fascism.

In addition to the problems mentioned above, rationing protocols will be put in place and patients will no longer receive adequate health care treatment. In the United Kingdom a recent protocol was enacted which guaranteed patients no more than a four (4) hour wait in an emergency room waiting room. Why, with waiting periods like this the local DMV looks like a drive through window at a fast food joint. Interestingly enough, in order to meet these bureaucratic protocols, ambulances are now being required to keep patients in the parking lot for at least three hours before bringing them into the emergency room. The three hour wait in the parking lot allows the patients to meet the new government mandated minimum, four hour wait period in the waiting room and presto, the government has met it's efficiency standards. Despite the fact that the average emergency room wait period is still a staggering 8 hours.

This is exactly the type of nonsense and bureaucracy that can be expected once the government leads us down the path to Medical Fascism. The only thing different is this isn't socialist Europe, its America!