Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Indoctrination Program?

Rep. Michele Bachmann, (R) Minnesota recently had some interesting comments regarding President Obama's re-education of America's youth through the Kennedy Serve America Act.

Appearing on Minnesota radio station KTLK-AM, (h/t Minnesota Independent) the Republican congresswoman expressed her concern that the White House was trying to put in place “re-education camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward.” Furthering the Obama-as-autocrat theme, Bachmann said the youngsters would “then they have to go to work in some of these politically correct forums.”

I must say that I agree with the congresswoman as to the cause and purpose of this Act. Only in America could our government create a PAID, VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. The passing of this Act will increase the size of Americorp, which currently has a membership of around 75,000, to a whopping 250,000. According to Senator Ted Kennedy, "This legislation will enable many more Americans to do something for their country to meet the many challenges facing us," this quote almost gives the impression that Americans were not ABLE or CAPABLE of serving their country. Shew, thank God that we came up with a program that will now ENABLE us to help one another out.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul explained to House Members that this unconstitutional bill (H.R. 1388) will "take money from one group of citizens and use that money to bribe other citizens into performing 'national service'" and that it "violates the basic moral principles of individual liberty that this country was founded upon."

The Texas Congressman along with the Minnesota Congresswoman both are correct and each have exposed a fundamental problem with the Serve Act. One, it will take wealth from one group and it will divert the funds toward an ideological agenda. This agenda will then be used to indoctrinate the youth involved, with the philosophy of the Obama Administration.

It is not the governments responsiblity to tell the citizenry what values to have, what they should do, when they should do it and how it should be done. Those who support this type of thinking are implying that our children are wards of the state, an idea very popular with socialism. In contrast it is the family, church, society, and teachers that we should rely upon to help mold the minds of our youth, not the federal government.

In closing I might add that this type of program was highly touted, and widely accepted as a "great thing," in Nazi Germany.

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