Thursday, August 27, 2009

Keith Olberman Continues to Fall Behind

Despite overwhelming, documented proof to the contrary, Keith Olberman recently, on live television, stated that his hour long, liberal diatribe known as "Countdown with Keith Olberman," was the highest rated news program on cable television.

For the record, the ratings for this past Monday are as follows;

The O'Reilly Factor 3,440,000 viewers

Hannity 2, 937,000 viewers

Glenn Beck 2, 810,000 viewers

On the Record w/Greta Van Susteren 2,450,000 viewers

Special Report w/Brett Baier 2,066,000 viewers

Fox Report w/ Shepard Smith 1,860,000 viewers

Countdown w/ Keith Olberman 1,114,000 viewers

Larry King Live 1,063,000 viewers

In Olbermans own words: "I hate to intrude with the facts but ours is the highest rated cable news program for all viewers not on FIXED NEWS. And since FIXED NEWS has now migrated completely over to serving propaganda to tin foil hatters, conspiracy theorist, paranoids and racist, it is not a news organization, making this show the highest rated cable news program, period."

Apparently, Olberman believes that he can just pick and choose his competition. In this case he arrogantly dismisses any program from Fox news, which just happens to have several programs that daily destroy him in the ratings and arrogantly assumes his rightful position atop the Cable News Throne. Unfortunately, for him, he doesn't make the rules and the facts show that he has a declining audience.

Since Olberman likes to make the rules up as he goes, he must realize that he can't win the game when faced with a "fair and balanced" playing field. Shame on you Keith Olberman, you are losing in the ratings and the only thing that you can come up with is this?

There are a still few questions that need to be answered.

1. Since when did Keith Olberman get to decide what classifies as news?

2. Since when did Countdown become a top rated cable news program?

3. Since MSNBC allows Olberman to simply "speak away" the competition and their FACTUAL RATINGS, is it possible that they also allow him the same courtesy when it comes to the facts concerning the news?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Color Coded Nightmare

In a new book, former Secretary of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge has indicated that a political decision led to his department elevating the threat level prior to the 2004 presidential election date. According to Ridge, he was pressured to raise the terror alert on the eve of the 2004 election, based on information that was nearly four years old and not considered reliable.

The former secretary indicated that it was this decision that led him to resign from his position. Former White House Chief of Staff, Andy Card has retaliated to the claim by stating "the clear instructions were to make sure that politics never influenced anything."

When the terror alert was questioned days after the election in 2004, the White House admitted that the information was four years old, but it argued that a new "stream of intelligence," that came in at the last moment was the cause for the elevation. Despite the fact that it has never been substantiated, one can only assume that somebody is lying. I don't think for one minute that it is Tom Ridge.

Many of the blogs that I post on this site are directed at the current administration, due to the fact that the blog is less than a year old. However, that does not imply that I am not critical of the Bush administration and the corruption that marred it for eight years. If the American people would wake up and stop playing, the political party game, it is possible that real "change" could take place in America. Let's hope that some Republicans will take this information and start to see the fallacy of their own political party.

Snake Oil!

Since January 20th of 2009 the citizens of the United States have been subjected to a HARD SELL by a rather crafty snake oil salesman. Much like the crowd gathered around the "Magic Elixir Wagon," millions of Americans are starting to turn their back on the well spoken con-man , realizing that change and hope doesn't come in a bottle.

The President of the United States is being met with opposition on all fronts regarding his health care boondoggle, congressman are being posed questions that they cannot answer and citizens are watching the spin doctors run in circles trying to down play public criticism as Astro-turf. Despite these feeble attempts, Americans everywhere, both Republican and Democrat are starting to realize that government is not the solution but rather the problem. It appears that real "hope" is on the horizon. But first let us take a look at the three magic bottles of elixir that could destroy the Republic as we know it.

1. Card Check, or the more politically correct labeled "Employee Free Choice Act." Ironically, this legislation and anything related to it, is specifically designed to eliminate "free choice." Presently, employees in the United States have free choice when it comes to joining a labor union, through a method of secret ballot. The Card Check program however, would eliminate private ballots and ostracize individuals that vote no in support of a union. By eliminating the secret ballot, employees could be subject to intimidation, harassment and co-worker pressure. Furthermore, this legislation will lead to a decrease in competition, which will result in higher prices and job losses. Interestingly enough, this legislation is being backed by SEIU and ACORN, two organizations that played a huge roll in the campaign of the president.

2. Cap and Trade, in the words of the President himself, if implemented this policy would cause electricity rates to "necessarily skyrocket." This piece of legislation, under the guise of saving the planet from impending doom, is nothing more than an attempt to further control the lives of American citizens. Despite having a huge impact on the budgets of American families, it will wreak havoc on the coal industry and give the government further influence in our daily lives. The development of the Smart Grid, will literally put government bureaucrats in control of your thermostat.

3. Universal Health Care, this piece of legislation will completely handicap and cripple the economy of the United States. It will lead to rationing of health care, higher taxes, lower survival rates and eliminate patient/doctor decision making. This train wreck, called ObamaCare, could be the death knell to our national economy. With our national debt spiralling out of control, the last thing we need is an estimated 1.7 Trillion dollar health care bill.

The Presidents approval rating is declining and regardless of what the spin doctors at the White House want to say, it has nothing to do with a vast right wing Republican Party Conspiracy. The American people are waking up and realizing that it is the cost of the snake oil that is turning them away. Evidently, freedom and liberty are too much to pay for a bottle of empty promises.

Monday, August 17, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine Linked to Guillan-Barre Syndrome

Several members of the British press are reporting that the new H1N1 vaccination may be related to Guillan-Barre Syndrome. The Telegraph, SkyNews, Times Online and Daily Mail are all reporting that the vaccination is of concern to neurologists. This information is being confirmed to have come from Elizabeth Miller, the head of the Health Protection Agency's immunization department.

Guillane Barre Syndrome is a neurological disorder in which the bodies immune system attacks the peripheral nervous system. The condition leads to a continued weakness in the arms and legs. Eventually, the patient is unable to use their muscles completely and they appear to be completely paralyzed. There is presently no known cure for this condition.

The disturbing news of the potential relation of the H1N1 vaccination and Guillane-Barre Syndrome is that the mainstream media in America has yet to release any information regarding the potential dangers. If you do a Google News Search, you will find that at the present time, all stories are being generated from the U.K. and other parts of Europe. Why is the American media remaining silent?

Before, I complain too much, I will give the mainstream media the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are diligently researching the information to find out whether or not the information in the HPA report is reliable and full of truth. But something tells me that this is not the case.

WHAT IF, the only last ditch hail mary that the current administration has of convincing Americans to embrace the health care package is a pandemic? Is it possible that the mainstream media, would turn a blind eye to something so vitally important? It is important to remember that the mainstream media is literally in bed with the current administration, see my blog on the merger of ABC and Obama, and have slanted the news for a considerable amount of time. If this were a possiblity, you are probably wondering how and why would it benefit the health care argument?

Without a doubt, the news of a pending pandemic would change the views of millions of Americans and ultimately further the argument for universal health care. The virus would would become a motivator for the uninsured and insured alike. The uninsured would press harder for the legislation to pass in order to get vaccinated against the virus, before it was too late. Likewise, many of the insured that are opposed to the current legislation, would turncoat and start supporting the plan in order to get millions of "uninsured" vaccinated. Their rationale would be that by vaccinating the uninsured it would help eliminate the coming pandemic and increase their chances of survival greatly. This would lead to more support for universal health care and it would once again prove that the government is the "caretaker" of society.

In my humble opinion, I do not believe the above scenario is taking place nor do I think that there is some covert plan to bring about universal health care. However, I do think that the current administration has proven over and over again, that it prefers to "never let a good crisis go to waste."


Referenced Quotes:

"Never waste a good crisis." Hillary Clinton
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Rahm Emanuel

Friday, August 14, 2009

Obama Astro-Turf

In a recent interview, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi referred to the dissenters at various Town Hall Meetings as "astro-turf." Implying that the persons were not really part of a grass-roots movement but rather a fabfication of the Republican Party.

If anybody knows "astro-turf," it should be the current administration. In an attempt to expose a wide variety of audience "plants" during town hall meetings, the evidence appears that the real phonies are Team Obama.

Columnist Michelle Malkin recently unveiled the identity of several town hall "plants," who asked "hard" and "demanding" questions of the President.

This is a must read!

Town Hall Meetings = Hate Groups?

Throughout the country, members of congress are hosting Town Hall Meetings. These meetings, are being used more and more by law abiding American citizens to express their concerns regarding health care reform. In some instances, yelling has occurred and people have demonstrated their concerns with outbursts of defiant opposition. The mainstream media is unable to come up with a proper spin on what is actually happening.

In the initial stages, outspoken citizens, gathered in droves to question and voice their views on Socialized Health Care. The usual suspects, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and print media giants the New York Times originally set out to debunk the opposition as small mobs organized by the Republican Party. Senator Nancy Pelosi, when asked what she thought about the grassroots movement, dismissed the opposition as merely "Astro-Turf" and not actually a legitimate movement. This type of rhetoric led to the DNC actually publishing an on air commercial calling the protesters nothing more than "political terrorist" and RNC organized cronies. This concentrated spin-doctoring has proven to fall flat on it's face and now they have collectively decided to take another categorical approach, referring to the protesters as "hate groups," "Nazis," and un-patriotic Americans.

In a recent ABC News Blotter, Brian Ross suggests that "fear grows for the President as hate groups thrive on racial backlash." Apparently, those with dissenting opinions are now racist and members of "hate groups." These most recent attempts by the mainstream media to demonize those opposed to the Presidents Health Reform package is nothing less than thuggery and misinformation, in other words Chicago style politics at it's best. It also appears that the "new" game plan has come straight out of the A.C.O.R.N. playbook. What else would you expect from an administration that has it's very roots established in community organizing?

Traditionally, the Town Hall meeting has been a public forum in which citizens were able to express their support or concerns regarding government activities. The Obama administration would be better suited if they called the meetings a "public press conference," at least then they would be spared dissenting voices. If their wish is to silence dissenting views, then why have a "town hall meeting?" It appears that congress has it's head so far in the clouds that it was not prepared for the backlash that the meetings would receive or............. this is exactly what they hoped would happen.

The Obama administration is not foolish, nor is congress, the modern progressives knew that there would be legitimate opposition to the health care plan as well as several others. The Town Hall Meeting has provided them with the very fuel that they need to silence the opposition. In my opinion the anger and the outbursts were expected and it is the desired reaction of the administration. What? Now that conservatives are speaking out, the progressives in Washington along with the liberal media, will use this as an opportunity to ostracize, identify and label the opposition. American citizens who are opposed to the rapid socialization of their country are now being painted as hate mongers, racist, violent, right wing radicals, they are now the poison and the hindrance to the much needed "change."

The conservative base in America is slowly being depicted as the bigoted hate mongers and enemies of America. I firmly believe that this is part of the plan to "fundamentally transform" our country and it is being carried out with precise execution. What can be done to off-set this transformation? Civility!

In order to further prevent the architects of change from discrediting our voices, it is imperative that dissenting opinions be expressed in a civil manner. Yelling and screaming, resorting to violence and angry outbursts must not be used, it will only give the media more video fodder to use against the movement. We need to gather, demonstrate peacefully, ask tough questions and demand straightforward answers from our representatives. If we disapprove of their position let them know that we will make every attempt to remove them from office, the old fashioned way, at the election booth. We must not resort to name calling, false rumors or violent outbursts, but rather respond with dignity, that is worthy of our cause.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"The Shot Heard Around The World!"

I am not a Nazi, I am not a radical right wing extremist, I am not an operative for the Republican Party, I am a conservative, God fearing, freedom loving American and I have had enough!

In the past few years, I have witnessed the bi-partisan destruction of our government. Whether it be the Bush Administrations excessive spending or the forced Patriot Act or the Obama administrations hyper-progressivism, America is being, to use their own words, "fundamentally transformed!"

Our representatives in Washington, no longer represent anything other than their own wishes. They refuse to respectfully honor the desires of the people but eagerly rush to pass legislation when it becomes beneficial to their agenda. The people cry louder and louder, but they prefer to take cell phone calls or have beer summits while we suffer. They schedule "town hall meetings" at 9 am on workdays and then turn away anyone with a dissenting opinions or questions. They tell us that the sky is falling and that the only way to save money is by spending money. The social security system is broke, the medicare system is broke and yet they expect us to believe that the very ones who bankrupted these systems are capable of implementing a universal health care system and a government ran auto industry.

The President publicly states that he is in favor of a single payer system and then publicly denies that he supports such a system. The same man appoints 32 Czars, a position that the constitution has no provision for, and then reminds us that these same people are answerable only to him. These appointees include former inmates, avowed socialist, euthanasia advocates, admitted Communist, tax cheats and constitution haters. The ideologies represented by these folks are of a strong progressive nature, they support collective freedom instead of individual freedom, some believe a child does not become a human until after the age of two, some support a total firearm ban, some support population control through forced sterilization techniques, some support euthanasia, and some advocate the dissolution of the Constitution. The President tells us that he will surround himself with people of like interest and then laughingly plays off our concerns when we bring attention to the radical views of the advisors closest to him.

We are told time and time again that we have to work together, that transparency in government will be common. Yet, the President has a televised program on health care and does not allow "any dissenting views," to be expressed during the discussion. The audience is hand picked and questions are pre-viewed and sanitized so that the message will be nothing more than staged propaganda. The administration is criticized and protests abound throughout the country, the President's approval rating is declining rapidly, the citizenry has lost all hope in congress. How do they respond? They create a website to report "false rumors and those that promote them."

We must hold these elected officials accountable! We must demand transparency! We must speak loudly, boldly and with great conviction. We can use the very system that our founding fathers created to correct the broken machine that is now called our government. By using principals, values, morals and strong character we can bring about "Change" that we can really believe in...

This is a call to action, arm yourself with the truth, spread it abroad, initiate conversations, organize rallys, contact your representatives and stand firm upon the foundation of this great Republic, ......the Constitution of the United States! Cry loud and spare Not!