Friday, March 5, 2010

Progressivism and The Constitution

The recent "pro-education" riots in California received tons of media publicity. While watching the footage, which showed protesters burning, breaking and destroying public property, I noticed a rather interesting poster/sign. The image was that of a hand holding a scroll of paper lying on an open book, with the following written above, "Education is a Human Right!" This poster encapsulates the very problem with the Progressive movement and it's disdain for our Constitution.

The Founders of this country believed that our rights as individuals was part of our humanity, and that no one could take those rights away. The Progressives, however, believe that our rights come from the government. Herein lies the fundamental argument between today's movement and the fundamental roots of the Constitution of the United States.
The great men that wrote our Constitution subscribed to the teachings of John Locke. An enlightenment philosopher, Locke argued that every individual was endowed with God given rights, his famous pen referenced them as life, liberty and property. Jefferson borrowed from him and wrote life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Locke believed that rights were not derived from the government but rather from the creator, meaning that government nor individuals had the authority to deny or restrict the rights of any person. Essentially, God gave you these rights and only God can take them away!
To say that today's modern Progressives (Republican and Democrat) have a philosophical difference with Locke would be putting it rather mildly. The modern progressive, whose roots are mired deep in Darwinism, believe in the evolution of society. They generally replace God with Government, this is possible because their entire philosophy is based on the idea that there is no God. Although, few progressives will openly admit this simple fact, it is an underlying truth within their very ideology. Therefore, by not believing in a higher power or creator, they then ask themselves the question, what is the highest authority on earth? Their answer of course is rather obvious, "the government." This government, is the grantor of all rights and this government is the power and authority by which they will build this "perfect," society.
It goes without saying, that the modern progressives, believe that as society "evolves," remember Darwin, that it is gradually creeping toward perfection. However, the only way that we can ever reach the socialist utopia, is if the government hastens the process through manipulation. The modern progressive firmly believes that the government can create a perfect society if the opposition is removed and it is allowed to operate freely and do as it will. Which brings us back to the poster or sign mentioned above.
The slogan on the sign suggests that "education is a human right." Since when? Consider the following, if education, which is a good or product, is a human right then that right is not part of our humanity. Which basically means that we are not born with it, but rather that it is granted to us from the government. If the government grants us our rights, then government can just as easily take our rights. This idea is inspired by the teachings of Marx and Lenin not John Locke, proving once again that the progressive movement is not in line with the teachings and establishments of our Founders.
Finally, consider the following, if education is a human right, how long will it be before housing , Internet access, cable t.v., electricity, automobiles, and other "goods," are considered human rights? If you think this will never happen in this country, you need to stop what you are doing and consider the fact that congress is attempting to force Universal Health Care on the American people, because they fundamentally believe that it is a HUMAN RIGHT!
We are marching towards something in America and it is not something that our Founding Fathers would have endorsed. If we continue to sit idly by without speaking up, without acting, the "fundamental transformation of America," that our President called for will have taken place and it will be too late.

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