Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lunatic Fringe Part 3

"You want to know my policies, look to the people I surround myself with..."
President Obama Nov. 2008

NAME: Mark Lloyd


Bio: A distinguished journalist with NBC and CNN, Lloyd recently was appointed to the advisory position of FCC Diversity CZAR. Author of the book "Prologue to a Farce," in which Lloyd recommends the public redistribution of corporate wealth. The suggestion calls for making private broadcasting companies pay licensing fees equal to their operation costs. These fees would then be used to finance public broadcasting. Taking funds from one group and giving them to another group is nothing more than SOCIALISM! If implemented this program would make it nearly impossible for private broadcasting companies to operate and therefore eliminate the private sector of broadcasting. This is nothing more than a legal method of eliminating conservative voices on the national airwaves AKA silencing dissenting opinions. Lloyd also suggests that the material that appears on these broadcast stations should become more "diverse," which is nothing more than code language for liberal or progressive activities.

Mark Lloyd is a supporter of the "Fairness Doctrine," which suggests that all radio and television time should be divided equally among conservative and progressive view points. Despite his support of the "Fairness Doctrine," Lloyd has went on record by publicly stating that he does not believe the "Fairness Doctrine to be enough!" Interestingly enough, the demands of the market place show that there is an overwhelming demand for conservative programming as opposed to minimal demand for progressive programming.

In addition to his socialist views regarding broadcast programming, Lloyd also supports community organized thugocracy. For example, he encourages group actions that would protest a stations hiring of too few Latinos, by doing so they could bring action against the station and force the station to become more "diverse." Lloyd has a history of encouraging liberal groups to harass radio stations through the FCC, now that he works for the FCC is it not common sense to expect that he will carry on this agenda from his new position?

Lloyd is also a huge supporter of Venezuelan Dictator, Hugo Chavez, Lloyd has even publicly stated that he views Chavez's take over of the country as a Democratic process. He also has indicated that the media in Venezuela, particularly the radio stations, prevented Chavez from taking over and implementing "change." Ironically enough, it was only AFTER he regulated the radio stations into the ground that he was able to successfully gain control of the country. Hmmmmmmmmmmm!

QUOTES: "The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) must be reformed along democratic lines and funded on a substantial level."

"This funding should come from license fees charged to commercial broadcasters."

"Local public broadcasters and regional and national broadcasters should be required to encourage and broadcast diverse views and opinions."

"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press...this freedom is all too often an exaggeration...these only serve as a distraction from the critical examination of the of other communication policies."

Synopsis: It is rather clear that Mark Lloyd understands how to manipulate corporations through the use of the FCC. The fact that he admits that there is a higher demand for conservative programming indicates that he is aware of the public demand for such programming. Therefore, his desire to give us more progressive programming is a clear indicator that he believes that he and the federal government know what is best for the people. By forcing more progressive programming on the people he is essentially giving them more of what they do not want. This approach is directly in line with the progressive view that you have to give the people what they need, because they do not know what is best for themselves. Welcome to the NANNY STATE!

The redistribution of corporate wealth is another indicator of his Marxist philosophy regarding economics. This philosophy, if implemented is designed to destroy corporate influence of the air waves and essentially eliminate capitalism from the broadcasting sphere. ...........Imagine that, the government controlling the air waves!

Lunatic Fringe Rating: 7

(based on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the most extreme)

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