Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blue America?

Now, that we are living in "Blue" America, I figured that it was only appropriate to ask a few questions to our liberal friends.

1. Why do liberals demand tolerance, only to be so intolerant of conservatives? The agenda is simple, anything on the fringe is and should be accepted by society, anyone that doesn't accept it is a hatemonger, bigot and a racist. However, if you happen to be a conservative, well you my friend are not entitled to the same treatment, you have a disease, you are a pariah and it is o.k. to be intolerant of your views or opinions. Welcome to Blue America!

2. Why does the word diversity only refer to skin color, but never to diversity of thought? Actually, it is o.k. to think whatever you want, as long as what you think is in line with the liberal agenda. Mainstream liberals often cry foul when they feel that a particular minority group is not being properly represented. They argue that our offices, schools and factories are not diverse enough, yet if you have a different way of thinking than they do, you suddenly are once again labled as a bigot, racist or hatemonger. Apparently, intellectual diversity has no place in a liberal or aka Blue Society.

3. Why do liberals assume that everyone around them are also liberal? They constantly lambaste conservatives openly with the assumption that the persons that they are in company with are all in agreement. When they suddenly discover that you are a conservative, they hiss and jump back as if you have the plague. In Blue America the age old mantra of the liberals to " accept everyone for who they really are," does not apply to those awful Conservatives!

4. What is the deal with liberals and personal Choices? Most liberals will cry loud that they support a womans right to choose to have an abortion, but at the same time, they want the government to tell me that I can't choose to have a gun. They want the government to choose my health care plan, but they don't like the idea that I might choose to send my kids to a private school. In Blue America, you have the freedom of choice, as long as that choice is in line with the liberal agenda.

5. What's the deal with liberals and labels? True, the word liberal is a label, but why is it that liberals can refer to conservatives as rednecks, nazis, fascist, homo-phobes, racist, bigots and hatemongers and then turn around a cry foul when someone calls them a liberal. In Blue America, certain words are o.k., in fact all words are o.k. as long as those words are NOT USED to describe a liberal.

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