Thursday, August 13, 2009

"The Shot Heard Around The World!"

I am not a Nazi, I am not a radical right wing extremist, I am not an operative for the Republican Party, I am a conservative, God fearing, freedom loving American and I have had enough!

In the past few years, I have witnessed the bi-partisan destruction of our government. Whether it be the Bush Administrations excessive spending or the forced Patriot Act or the Obama administrations hyper-progressivism, America is being, to use their own words, "fundamentally transformed!"

Our representatives in Washington, no longer represent anything other than their own wishes. They refuse to respectfully honor the desires of the people but eagerly rush to pass legislation when it becomes beneficial to their agenda. The people cry louder and louder, but they prefer to take cell phone calls or have beer summits while we suffer. They schedule "town hall meetings" at 9 am on workdays and then turn away anyone with a dissenting opinions or questions. They tell us that the sky is falling and that the only way to save money is by spending money. The social security system is broke, the medicare system is broke and yet they expect us to believe that the very ones who bankrupted these systems are capable of implementing a universal health care system and a government ran auto industry.

The President publicly states that he is in favor of a single payer system and then publicly denies that he supports such a system. The same man appoints 32 Czars, a position that the constitution has no provision for, and then reminds us that these same people are answerable only to him. These appointees include former inmates, avowed socialist, euthanasia advocates, admitted Communist, tax cheats and constitution haters. The ideologies represented by these folks are of a strong progressive nature, they support collective freedom instead of individual freedom, some believe a child does not become a human until after the age of two, some support a total firearm ban, some support population control through forced sterilization techniques, some support euthanasia, and some advocate the dissolution of the Constitution. The President tells us that he will surround himself with people of like interest and then laughingly plays off our concerns when we bring attention to the radical views of the advisors closest to him.

We are told time and time again that we have to work together, that transparency in government will be common. Yet, the President has a televised program on health care and does not allow "any dissenting views," to be expressed during the discussion. The audience is hand picked and questions are pre-viewed and sanitized so that the message will be nothing more than staged propaganda. The administration is criticized and protests abound throughout the country, the President's approval rating is declining rapidly, the citizenry has lost all hope in congress. How do they respond? They create a website to report "false rumors and those that promote them."

We must hold these elected officials accountable! We must demand transparency! We must speak loudly, boldly and with great conviction. We can use the very system that our founding fathers created to correct the broken machine that is now called our government. By using principals, values, morals and strong character we can bring about "Change" that we can really believe in...

This is a call to action, arm yourself with the truth, spread it abroad, initiate conversations, organize rallys, contact your representatives and stand firm upon the foundation of this great Republic, ......the Constitution of the United States! Cry loud and spare Not!

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