Friday, August 21, 2009

Snake Oil!

Since January 20th of 2009 the citizens of the United States have been subjected to a HARD SELL by a rather crafty snake oil salesman. Much like the crowd gathered around the "Magic Elixir Wagon," millions of Americans are starting to turn their back on the well spoken con-man , realizing that change and hope doesn't come in a bottle.

The President of the United States is being met with opposition on all fronts regarding his health care boondoggle, congressman are being posed questions that they cannot answer and citizens are watching the spin doctors run in circles trying to down play public criticism as Astro-turf. Despite these feeble attempts, Americans everywhere, both Republican and Democrat are starting to realize that government is not the solution but rather the problem. It appears that real "hope" is on the horizon. But first let us take a look at the three magic bottles of elixir that could destroy the Republic as we know it.

1. Card Check, or the more politically correct labeled "Employee Free Choice Act." Ironically, this legislation and anything related to it, is specifically designed to eliminate "free choice." Presently, employees in the United States have free choice when it comes to joining a labor union, through a method of secret ballot. The Card Check program however, would eliminate private ballots and ostracize individuals that vote no in support of a union. By eliminating the secret ballot, employees could be subject to intimidation, harassment and co-worker pressure. Furthermore, this legislation will lead to a decrease in competition, which will result in higher prices and job losses. Interestingly enough, this legislation is being backed by SEIU and ACORN, two organizations that played a huge roll in the campaign of the president.

2. Cap and Trade, in the words of the President himself, if implemented this policy would cause electricity rates to "necessarily skyrocket." This piece of legislation, under the guise of saving the planet from impending doom, is nothing more than an attempt to further control the lives of American citizens. Despite having a huge impact on the budgets of American families, it will wreak havoc on the coal industry and give the government further influence in our daily lives. The development of the Smart Grid, will literally put government bureaucrats in control of your thermostat.

3. Universal Health Care, this piece of legislation will completely handicap and cripple the economy of the United States. It will lead to rationing of health care, higher taxes, lower survival rates and eliminate patient/doctor decision making. This train wreck, called ObamaCare, could be the death knell to our national economy. With our national debt spiralling out of control, the last thing we need is an estimated 1.7 Trillion dollar health care bill.

The Presidents approval rating is declining and regardless of what the spin doctors at the White House want to say, it has nothing to do with a vast right wing Republican Party Conspiracy. The American people are waking up and realizing that it is the cost of the snake oil that is turning them away. Evidently, freedom and liberty are too much to pay for a bottle of empty promises.

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