Friday, July 3, 2009


This July 4th, Americans everywhere will celebrate with cookouts, fireworks and family gatherings. Few will actually pause long enough to realize what it is that they are celebrating. It is important that we remind each generation of the significance of this day and why it is not to be taken for granted

Over 200 years ago an oppressive government, led by a power hungry ruler, imposed harsh restrictions, excessive taxes and violated the individual rights of it's citizens. Some of those citizens were willing to put their reputation and more importantly their very lives at stake in order to have their voice heard. These brave and heroic Patriots, while demonstrating uncommon courage demanded their God given rights. They first petitioned the government with their grievances, and in the ultimate act of disrespect they were answered with a standing army. Still not moved to violence, they proceeded to protest and yet their voices still went unheard. Left with no other alternative, they took up arms and declared their Independence.

On this July 4th, we as Americans are facing a very similar plight. Those that would be our leaders, no longer listen, they refuse to acknowledge our collective voice. Our government is out of control and our self serving representatives have no problem mortgaging the future of our children. It is time for a second American Revolution..............

This Revolution however cannot be fought with weapons, it must be fought in the hearts and minds of the American people. A call to violence will not correct the problems that we are currently faced with in America. It is sad to say but America has lost it's way, we have become an over indulged nation of people who have taken our freedoms and liberties for granted. We are uninformed and uneducated concerning the actions of our government. We are polarized and disenfranchised. We have allowed "party" loyalty to interfere with what is right for America. We must return to the values that made us great and in doing so, we can bring about the second shot heard around the world. This shot, fired without a gun..............

We must restore, honor, integrity, discipline, work ethic, self pride and the understanding that we have the right to the pursuit of happiness, but not the guarantee that we will attain that happiness. We need to demand of our fellow citizen the honor of a handshake and the value of a man's word. We must restore the respect for life and recognize that it is precious. We must take pride in our individuality and come to the understanding that others are entitled to the same distinction. We need not expect government to solve all of our problems and then complain when it intervenes in other parts of our lives. We must remember that charity begins at home and that respect is something that is earned and not given.

If we are to bring about the change necessary to restore our country to it's former glory, we must first start at home with ourselves. By implementing these values into our every day life and by encouraging our children to do likewise, we can raise a nation of Patriots and help bring about a revolution that will once again transform the world! America was built on the greatest of values, let us rebuild her with the same.

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