Thursday, April 22, 2010

Angry America!

Things are bad in America and they are gradually getting worse. The unemployment rate is approaching 10%, banks are falling flat on their face and the Federal Government is spending money like there is no tomorrow. The mainstream media is in bed with the government and honest law abiding citizens are being portrayed as racist, extremist, hate mongering radicals. The Presidents approval rating is now at 38% and Congress continues to thumb it's nose at the American people, things are bad in America!

In the 1976 movie, Network, a fictional character named Howard Beale delivered one of films all time great speeches. The speech commonly referred to as the "I'm Mad as Hell," speech turned actor Peter Finch into a film icon and a cult phenomenon. Although, Finch died prior to receiving the Best Actor award in 1976, his words still echo true today.

With an increase in the size of the Federal Government, the once silent majority is being awakened from it's slumber. Americans from all over the country are expressing their outrage and dissatisfaction with an out of control congress, a President of unbridled arrogance and a phony two party system that has left our once proud country in economic ruin. Just like Howard Beale, America is starting to get mad, very mad!

With the click of a remote the mainstream media portrays political dissent as extremism, racism, hate mongering, exterminating, homophobic, violent and seditious. The print media declares that we are "All Socialist Now," but when the President is confronted with the question it is laughed at and scoffed at as nothing more than a right wing "attack." The media that used to be against the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, now turn a blind eye to the fact that "their" candidate is doing the same thing as his predecessor. Throughout the nation our children are being indoctrinated into the Presidents cult of personality. Our school systems are subjecting students to propaganda in hopes that it will further the progressive agenda ie (An Inconvenient Truth, The Story of Stuff). A runaway Congress openly defies the will of the American people in passing Obamacare, which will force Americans to buy a product, while at the same time adding nearly 3 trillion dollars MORE to the U.S. debt. When will the insanity end?

The insanity will end when the American people follow the advice of Howard Beale.

Consider this a call to action!

"So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,

"I'm as mad as hell,

and I'm not going to take this anymore!!" "

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