Monday, March 15, 2010

More Than Healthcare Reform!

The countdown has begun on Barack Obama's Health Care plan, it appears that the fate of the controversial, unpopular, unconstitutional proposal will be determined this week. In what is nothing more than an attempt to increase the power grip of the Federal government the White House appears determined to force the bill down the throats of tax paying citizens everywhere.

But if you think that Health Care Reform is an act of compassion, think again. Why would the Democrats want to pass this bill knowing that it would increase costs of health care, decrease quality of care and cripple our already weakening economy?

The answer is simple and down-right scary.

The Health Care Reform package is about POWER, and the concentration of power. When and if this bill passes, the Democrats realize that untold power will then be passed onto Health Care appointees who will have the authority to bypass congress and effectively manipulate the lives of every single American. This power will be concentrated in the hands of the Democrat party and their leader, the President.

Why get worked up over something of this magnitude, you might ask?

In 1933 a very similar power move was orchestrated in Germany by the National Socialist Workers Party. The "Enabling Act," which was proposed for the betterment of the German people, was forced through the German Parliament, despite overwhelming opposition. The act, permitted the current government to "suspend" the Constitution of the Weimar Republic for a brief period of time in order to "relieve the distress of the German people."

Interestingly enough, the Enabling Act was never repealed and the National Socialist Workers Party assumed total control of the government. Once all power was concentrated within one group the former balance of government no longer existed. Essentially, the checks on that government were gradually removed, and the rest as they say, is history!

Will this happen in America? In all honesty, this question is irrelevant, the real question should be why are we putting ourselves in a situation that could potentially lead to such abuse of power? Whether it be the Democrats now, or the Republicans in the future, are we prepared to accept such unbridled power from government?

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