Friday, December 11, 2009

Population Control a Reality

In previous blogs I have mentioned the need for population control to be implemented in order for certain proposed government programs to become successful. Many people are unaware of the population control element of these huge government programs. Without going into great detail involving this issue, it would be profitable if every American Citizen was aware of the history of the Eugenics movement in our country.

The currently proposed Cap and Trade legislation will result in, at first, a plea for population control, it will later result in government mandated birth limitations. The inevitable rationing of government health care will also result in government mandated birth control as well as child limits per family. This is not mere conjecture, it is based on evidence gathered from other more socialized countries that have had these programs in place for a longer period of time and a careful study of the eugenics and progressive movements. Interestingly enough, this week several other countries have been rather up front with their citizens regarding the sudden need for "population control."

The articles below confirm that the success of the environmental movement depends greatly on eugenics.

China Daily , Population Control Key to Copenhagen Deal - Editorial that explains how population control (eugenics) and the environmental movement are linked.

Canadian Financial Post The Inconvenient Truth by Diane Francis - In this editorial the Francis, suggests that population control should be the number one agenda at the Copenhagen summit.

Carbon Eugenics -Eugenics in the name of the Environment - Author James Corbett attempts to explain the history and future of the environmental movement and how it will lead to the propagation of eugenics.

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