Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Moral Decay

The study of history allows us to look back at past mistakes, whether it be our mistakes or those of others, and learn from those mistakes. It is a rather true saying that each generation thinks that it is smarter, more well equipped than the one that came before it, and in some ways that might be true. However, there is an exception to the rule and the Jewish people provide us a great example.

The lessons learned from the Holocaust have kept the Jewish people alert, each generation that passes reminds the next of what can happen if they do not remain vigilant. The average Christian in America would be well served to take notes from the Jewish people, especially concerning the attack on our morality.

When we take a look back at some of the most powerful nations in history, it is the degradation of morality that brought them to their demise. The Greeks were nothing more than a nation of idle talkers, their slothfulness and lack of productivity provided a perfect setting for a Roman takeover. The Romans eventually became a welfare state. The affluence of it's citizenry allowed them more free time and therefore their insatiable thirst for "entertainment," became unquenchable. One does not need to look far beyond the coliseums filled with barbarism to see an image of modern day America. The barbarians (Germans) were a very productive people, until they degraded into a nation of corruption, immorality and hatred. In all of the above instances the declines in morality and corruption were aided by a disrespect for God and his word.

Today in America, most of God's people have become so indulgent and comfortable that they no longer rely on the Lord. The simple truth of the matter is, most Christians in this country today, are neither hot nor cold, they are lukewarm. The current economic, political and moral problems facing America are a direct consequence of this same lukewarm attitude. Will we stand idly by while the moral fabric of our nation crumbles around us, .............will we be spewed out?

A careful view of society tells us that there are certain truths that are being violated, that there are certain morals that are not being upheld. Why is it that we remain silent, in light of these wrongs? Is it because we have been duped into believing that speaking out is not the "politically correct" thing to do? Is it because we have been told repeatedly that politics and religion do not mix? Is it because we have bought into the secular lie that our religious views are not to influence government? Or, is it because we just don't care?

Presently, in America we are witnessing the results of our inaction, the pestilence that has been delivered by our silence. We have sat idly by while "situational ethics," social justice and Darwinian evolution has been force fed to the innocent minds of our children. We have allowed the radicals and activist to mock our God, promote the slaughter of millions of unborn children without as much as a whimper. We have allowed perversions and immorality to be called "alternative" lifestyles without acknowledging them for what they really are, abominations! We turn a blind eye to social leeches that  suck the life blood out of  society, whatever happened to earning a living by the sweat of your brow!?

The problems that currently face this nation can be met with honest solutions, however those solutions are sadly enough, politically impossible. This can mainly be attributed to corruption, greed, societies relentless demand for more entitlements and politicians desire to secure votes by bribing us with those entitlements. The blame is almost always placed on the politicians and admittedly they carry a huge amount of the guilt, but realistically they are not the only ones to blame. The current problems facing this country can best be summarized as an external manifestation of our internal spiritual condition. Our apathy has us waiting on a political savior when in fact we, the people,  are the answer. If we do not take the initiative and begin this restoration on our own,  our republic, our heritage and the futures of our children will will suffer even more.

It is time for God fearing people to rise up and become the salt and light of our communities, it is time to take America back!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Duh! Which way did he go George?

The phrase "which way did he go George, " was made famous by a Tex Avery cartoon. The cartoon featured a less than intelligent, dimwitted and gullible dog named Willoughby. In the famous cartoon Willoughby is chasing a fox, unbeknown to Willoughby however the fox disguises himself as another dog, aptly named "George." The fox keeps giving Willoughby bad directions forcing him to run through a fence and over a cliff, Willoughby keeps coming back and asking the famous question, to which George sends him over the cliff time and time again. Eric Holder would like for us to think that he is Willoughby!

While testifying  before the House Judiciary Committee, the Attorney General was asked a rather simple question by Republican congressman Lamar Smith in regards to the perpetrators of the last three terrorist attacks on American soil.

“Do you feel these individuals…might have been incited to take the actions they did because of radical Islam?”

To which Holder replied  “ Because of…?” acting as if he failed to understand the question. Smith clarified the question again by stating "“Because of radical Islam.” Holder then morphed into Willoughby and replied “There are a variety of reasons people do these things.”

Following his failure to admit the obvious the Congressman rephrased and asked the question six (6) more times. Holder refused to acknowledge the obvious and literally feigned to not understand the question. "Look out Willoughby there's a cliff ahead!"

The fact that every major incident of terror that has occurred in the United States and around the world in recent years has been a product of radical Islam either failed to cross the mind of the Attorney General or he is about as clueless as our dimwitted Willoughby. I seriously doubt that the former or the latter is the correct answer. Instead, I propose that a politically correct agenda fostered by an Islamic sympathizing leadership and the lack of a backbone led Willougby......er .........the Attorney General to respond in the manner which he did.

In fact, now that I think about it, poor ol' Willoughby doesn't deserve to be thrown in the same category as the Attorney General on this one, ..............my apologies Willoughby!

After all, Willoughby wasn't pretending to be dumb, he was in fact a simple minded, albeit gullible dog. The Attorney General can act stupid if he wants to, but by not admitting the obvious he only draws attention to the absurdity that is the radical left.

"Which way did he go George?"

Monday, May 3, 2010

Does America's Future Look Like Greece?

The average federal government employee makes over $70,000 per year without benefits.
State and local pensions throughout the USA are underfunded. Social Security is broke. Medicare is broke. Medicaid is broke. The Federal Government just rammed Health Care down our throats to the tune of 3 trillion dollars. A colossal Cap and Trade legislative proposal is on the horizon and immigration reform is guaranteed to send the entitlement system into orbit. Welcome to America 2010!

How will this all end?

Let's jump across the pond and take a look at the most recent economic disaster, Greece.

In exchange for 110 Billion Euros, from the EU and IMF, Greece has agreed to massive cuts in the countries budget. MASSIVE! Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou recently told his people to prepare for 'great sacrifices' after violent clashes between police and protesters opposing the cuts took place this weekend.

The cuts, albeit harsh, are absolutely necessary to correct the out of control, irresponsible spending of the Greek government. The "great sacrifices" that Papandreou speaks of will no doubt cause further violence, rioting and hardship to the citizens of the welfare state. Some of the "sacrifices" are sure to be met with huge opposition, but the only way to settle the problem is to do what is right, something that should have been done a long time ago. Hint (are you watching Washington?)

Here is a small list of some of the major changes that will take place in Greece.

˜An increase in the retirement age from an average age of 53 to 67

˜Government workers to lose annual bonuses worth an extra two months' pay;

˜Ten per cent tax rise on alcohol, cigarettes and gasoline;

˜Three-year wage freeze in the public sector;

˜Early retirement will be limited or abolished altogether;

˜VAT (value added tax) increase from 21 per cent to 23 per cent.

The tax increases and austerity measures could total 30 billion dollars by the time everything is fully implemented.

There are a couple of interesting side notes that everyone in America should be aware of regarding the crisis in Greece. The nation, due to it's socialist status, has overspent, over promised and recklessly created entitlement programs for it's citizens for years. The extreme costs of operating a nanny state is one of the reasons that the country is now faced with a collapsing economy. The other note of interest is the fact that as staggering as the 147 billion dollar bailout is, the U.S. congress recently gave more money to bailout AIG. This alone should testify to the immensity of our nations economic situation.

Finally, will the U.S. learn something from the situation in Greece? Probably not, it just doesn't seem to fit into our fabric. The politicians in Washington are dead set on spending us into oblivion, corporate cronyism and the fact that a huge contingency of citizens are already dependent on Big Brother suggests that we too are headed toward some type of economic judgement day.

The real question, however, is will the U.S. accept salvation in the form of "bigger government" or will we do what is right and suffer now so that our children will not have to later? Both answers require sacrifice, if we choose the wrong one, there will be no turning back!