Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Health Care. Who Benefits? You will be Shocked!

First I will tell you who will not benefit, the working, productive, American Tax payer. Now the rest of the story.

What if, the federal government forced everyone to buy a particular manufactured product and then promised to subsidize a new product for those that could not afford to comply with such a mandate? Who would pay for the subsidies and who would benefit financially from such a mandate?

This scenario is a perfect picture of health care reform, and it reveals how the new health care reform will work. If the federal government forced everyone in America to purchase a certain product, there would undoubtedly be some who would not be able to afford this product. The government would then establish a subsidized program that would allow those "less fortunate," to have the same product. The funding for this program would come from tax payer dollars.
Although, the above scenario is a far stretch, albeit possible, this is exactly what will take place under OBAMACARE. Millions of tax payers will be forced to purchase a plan that the government mandates from a private insurer. These same Americans will then incur excess taxes, these taxes will be used to help "those less fortunate," purchase the same product. This is an example of wealth redistribution and corporate fascism.

Despite the absurdity of this measure there is still an elephant in the room that nobody seems to notice. Who stands to benefit from such a program? The answer is twofold, and quite shocking.
The Federal Government and the health industry!


1. The federal government will expand and assume control over 1/6th of our economy, we will find that this expansion of government will lead to mass intrusion of our individual liberty and privacy. In the end, the federal government, under the guise of helping those who can't help themselves, will essentially have greater control over our lives, further eroding liberty. The primary means and purpose of this agenda is CONTROL, do not be fooled by the false compassion of the progressives nor their utopian visions.

2. The health industry is actually a huge supporter of this movement and despite the rhetoric of the president, he too is in bed with these "fat cat" lobbyist. During the 2008 election cycle, employees and executives at HMO's gave 5.7 million dollars to "Big Business," Republicans while dolling out a staggering 8.6 million to "Big Government" Democrats.
Screeeeeeeeeeeeechhhhhhh! Wait a minute! Lets get this straight, Democrats received more money from HMO's than did the "evil" Republicans? Yes, and it doesn't end there. During the same election campaign, hospitals and nursing homes contributed 3 times more to the Democrats, in fact Barack Hussein Obama received 19.4 million from the Health Care Sector alone, more than any candidate has ever received from that sector in the history of American politics!

Just in case your wondering, the Presidents total of 19.4 million was more than the top 10 Republican recipients COMBINED! Now, let me ask the question, Who is in bed with big business? The common response that Republicans are big business supporters doesn't hold water in light of the big business connections of modern day progressives. We are witnessing the merger of government and corporations and have been for several years. To ignorantly assume that one party is not affiliated with this fascistic growth of government is absurd and deserving of a mental examination!

So, let me summarize. The president wants to "reform" the best system in the world, although flawed, just because he is compassionate for the "common people." By doing so, he is going to come to the rescue by forcing every American to have health insurance. Naturally, everyone will not be able to afford this socialist dream come true, so the government will have to subsidize this program with tax payer dollars. But don't worry, only those super rich people, you know the ones that pay taxes, they will take care of it...........
The insurance companies, HMO's, big Pharma, hospitals, nursing homes etc, are now lining up with their hands out for these government subsidies. According to James Carlson, CEO of Amerigroup Corp., this new program could bring in over 10 million new "customers," is it any wonder that Carlson said, "most of what we're reading would grow our business dramatically."

If you still think that the president is dedicated to ending "politics as usual, " consider this, the very corporations that are benefiting from these programs are among the largest lobbying groups in Washington. Instead of being the "special interests" that rail against change, they are actually lobbying for CHANGE and reform. After all, what company wouldn't want the government to force everyone to buy their product?

For more on how corporatism and Big Government go hand in hand see Corporatism and the Left

Friday, December 11, 2009

Population Control a Reality

In previous blogs I have mentioned the need for population control to be implemented in order for certain proposed government programs to become successful. Many people are unaware of the population control element of these huge government programs. Without going into great detail involving this issue, it would be profitable if every American Citizen was aware of the history of the Eugenics movement in our country.

The currently proposed Cap and Trade legislation will result in, at first, a plea for population control, it will later result in government mandated birth limitations. The inevitable rationing of government health care will also result in government mandated birth control as well as child limits per family. This is not mere conjecture, it is based on evidence gathered from other more socialized countries that have had these programs in place for a longer period of time and a careful study of the eugenics and progressive movements. Interestingly enough, this week several other countries have been rather up front with their citizens regarding the sudden need for "population control."

The articles below confirm that the success of the environmental movement depends greatly on eugenics.

China Daily , Population Control Key to Copenhagen Deal - Editorial that explains how population control (eugenics) and the environmental movement are linked.

Canadian Financial Post The Inconvenient Truth by Diane Francis - In this editorial the Francis, suggests that population control should be the number one agenda at the Copenhagen summit.

Carbon Eugenics -Eugenics in the name of the Environment - Author James Corbett attempts to explain the history and future of the environmental movement and how it will lead to the propagation of eugenics.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Demoralizing of America

It is rather clear to anyone that wishes to objectively observe, that the progressive movement is dead set on demoralizing our culture. The continued attacks on Christianity, morality, and common sense are nothing more than a means to an end.

Vladimir Lenin once said "A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

It is this very mantra that progressives apply their twisted ideologies. In order to obtain the desired control of society it first becomes necessary to demoralize the citizenry. It would be improper to imply that everyone that promotes immoral behavior is part of a mass conspiracy to establish complete governmental control of the populace. That being said, it is of necessity to likewise admit that once the mechanism is put into place, there will be untold multitudes who will further propagate the movement without actually realizing that they are victims of the very system in which they support.

Below I have attached several outrageous and unbelievable, yet very true events that are taking place in this country. See for yourself.

Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network - Distributes "fisting kits", to students ages 14-21 with state government consent in Massachusetts.

University of Maryland to have Porn Video Screened by Students - The publicly funded University of Maryland will be offering a free screening of a popular hard core porn flick on it's campus. The university attempted to block the screening, but irate students insisted that the measure would be a violation of their rights.

Religious Themes Forbidden on Christmas Tree Ornaments - The U.S. Forest Service has banned the printing of "Jesus" on ornaments that will appear on the Capitol Christmas tree.

2nd Graders Taught to Accept Homosexuality and Cross Dressing - California schools have introduced pro-homsexuality materials into the classroom curriculum. This implementation came about as the result of a state task forces recommendation to distribute pro-homosexual material to students.

Judge orders that Gay Agenda be taught to Christian students - Citing the need to be engaged and productive citizens, a Massachusetts judge orders Christian students to participate in a pro-homosexual curriculum, despite the fact that it goes against their religous beliefs.

California Passes Pedophile Protection Act - Sponsored by Senator Shelia Keuhl, an admitted lesbian, this bill would protect pedophiles and a list of over 30,000 alleged child molestors and child abusers that were conveniently not turned into the authorities by the ultra-liberal organization Planned Parenthood.